View Full Version : [WIP] Wiireader 1.0

October 22nd, 2008, 23:15
news via gxmod (http://wii.gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=1602)

Hermes (http://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_multimedia-wiireader-1-0-en-proyecto-video-demostrativo_1116388) has announced the development of a current player with limited functionality in support of the formats supported, but with some interesting features.

The software, named Wiireader propose:

- Support for sound files to MP3 and OGG with the opportunity to browse through your music via a Grid or List. The drive will offer the usual functions (Pause, Repeat, Shuffle, Forward / Rewind etc. ...). You'll also find a display mode. Another interesting feature, you can still listen to your music while using other functions Wiireader.

- A player can handle JPEG up to 512 images and offering a zoom feature on both the whole picture but also on a specific location of it via the pointer.

- A text reader can also zoom but also to locate a specific chapter or paragraph among the various pages that can accommodate your text. You can also save the last position you read to quickly pick up where you were arrested.