View Full Version : Wii firmware update released

October 23rd, 2008, 19:38
via Computer and Video Games (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=200021)

Is the disc slot on your Wii glowing blue this morning? It should be, because Nintendo has released a firmware update that makes some changes to the Wii Shop.

After updating, Wii Points will be called Nintendo Points, as Nintendo announced they would when DSi was revealed, but they will otherwise work the same.

The Wii Shop's also seen some minor changes. Nintendo having changed the icons for them and adding a new prompt to confirm you have the controllers before being able to press the purchase button, according to translations of the Japanese Store update text.

Seems it wants to make damn sure all those non-gaming mums have the right 'newfangled' gadgets for the games they purchase.

Other than that, all remains the same. And no, we can't tell you if it break that home-made channel.

October 23rd, 2008, 19:44
Yes its Official the released, but this minor updates of the wii often comes with patches. so I will wait till more info is send by users or Team Twizers.

October 23rd, 2008, 20:49
Screw updating, 3.2 ftw.

(Mainly for Backup Launcher and Emulators)

October 23rd, 2008, 20:51
It does not break any any currently installed channels. However, it will prevent you from installing the Homebrew Channel, as the signing bug has been fixed on all IOS versions.

October 23rd, 2008, 21:25
It does block new installs of the brew channel and also blocks the Cios' that are available... Hopefully a workaround for brew will be found..

October 23rd, 2008, 21:36
Someone mentioned on another site that this would stop boot2 hacks, which is disappointing. I guess Team Twiizers might come up with a workaround but this would be annoying.

October 23rd, 2008, 22:15
i'm still on 3.2E as i don't feel the need to update further than that.

October 23rd, 2008, 23:52
i'm still on 3.2E as i don't feel the need to update further than that. I know, I'm not going to update until Nintendo give me a reason.

So far there is something with Miis and change Wii points to Nintendo points, I'm not missing out on much...

October 24th, 2008, 00:02
The Twilight Hack could work on another game with a modified version of that saved data, but it hasn't been made yet so it isn't blocked. I think that the game that could be used next is Super Mario Galaxy for the Galaxy Hack.

darkness angel 777
October 24th, 2008, 00:13
I installed the twilight hack on my wii just to try it out and uninstalled everything will I be able to update without a brick?
I'm new at this so i don't know much about wiibrew.

October 24th, 2008, 00:30
An open letter to Nintendo and the world:

Ok, so now we can't access the Wii shop unless we update? Good one Nintendo-soil your name all the more and cut off profits by people NOT buying wiiware.

Though it gets me that Nintendo seems to think they OWN Neo Geo and Sega games instead of just a license for them (Do Jakks' 'plug in play' sets take marching orders from Mario?), let's forget about Homebrew for a moment and/or paranoia about lost profits- what about if someone just does not want to update their system, period?

Be it for nostalgia of having the "original" Internet demo channel or from a collector's point of view having the original software that was pre-built on a release date console for future Ebay auctions, where do these companies get off blackballing their customers (we OWN the product, we aren't clients) like this? Sure we CAN stay offline, but why disable functionality of the advertised features of a product (not to mention the flagship software titles with built in updates?)

All of these online and assumed "legal" agreements get me a bit riled up.. I don't care what disclaimers are clicked (be it pressing "A" at startup) or ASSUMED legal agreements just by a purchase.. I will present arguments for the cause:

I buy a hot dog on a stick- I pay- hot dog is mine- I can choose to eat it, give it to a homeless person, or build a "log cabin" with it and previously purchased hot dogs. I buy a game console- lets say with cash just to keep it simple. I have no contract with Best Buy, Toys R Us, or any retailer in the same fashion, nor Nintendo. I can not sell my car under exclusive conditions that the new owner MUST at all times have "Rock Lobster" playing on the Cd player.

Where did "click next" take the legal place of a valid signature or contract, and more importantly, if a Microsoft OS or Game console "agreement" has any legal ramifications, how then are they sold to minors? If little 11 yr old Johnny buys a game console, book, or board game with his money, he can not be held to any contract or agreement.

So why not adopt a "Must be 18 or older" to install Windows, or buy a game console? Can you imagine that? Want to REALLY see profits drop? Go the honest way.

Instead, Nintendo- you have to put your best titles like Mario Kart with a mandatory update in order to play it, with no giant sticker covering Mario's face to warn the public that your hand has never let go of our consoles since the day we purchased them.

Out of principle even, many want the control over their purchases that they rightfully deserve, and the rise in what one calls 'illegal' activity will be due to the only resort people will have to retain this principle. The companies that get too fat will never learn...

October 24th, 2008, 14:40
I know, I'm not going to update until Nintendo give me a reason.

So far there is something with Miis and change Wii points to Nintendo points, I'm not missing out on much...

i don't think they will give us a real reason to update other than those small stupid stuffs like the one where you can drag a mii from mii channel to plaza or something like that..

woohoo! i can drag a mii with the new update!! way to go nintendo, you gave me a reason to screw twilight hack and HBC!! yeah!