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View Full Version : Zelda Calculators, Animal Crossing Clocks - The Future Of DSiWare?

October 25th, 2008, 14:28
Tiny Cartridge pointed out an interview (in Japanese) with Nintendo president Satoru Iwata that I missed. In a discussion with the DSi staff he mentions some ideas he has for DSiWare applications like a Zelda Calculator, an Animal Crossing Clock, and street maps for large cities. Iwata’s idea is to sell these DSiWare toys for a low price possibly around the 200 Nintendo Point mark, the lowest DSiWare price we heard of. The only game discussed with his team is a simple version of Tetris and the DS already has an awesome version of Tetris, it’s called Tetris DS.

Of course, none of these items are confirmed to be in development or will ever come out since the conversation is casual talk. However, it doesn’t sound like DSiWare is going to be a major platform for games yet. Nintendo of Japan hasn’t announced any games specifically for DSiWare and the handheld launches next week. The lack of solid software could be the part of the reason Nintendo is holding back the DSi launch in North America, they don’t want to launch a new handheld with nothing in the store.
