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View Full Version : Sony Says "Nothing Is Ever Exclusive"

October 29th, 2008, 19:54
via Kotaku (http://kotaku.com/5070516/sony-says-nothing-is-ever-exclusive)

Sony Computer Entertainment UK director Ray Maguire gives fans of Grand Theft Auto IV, Fallout 3 and Tomb Raider: Underworld hope for the future of "exclusive" downloadable content on the PlayStation 3 platform. Each has promised DLC only for Microsoft's Xbox 360, but Maguire tells VideoGamer that "One thing to remember, nothing is ever exclusive."

He has a point. We've watched exclusivity deals dissolve more than once during this generation (BioShock, Final Fantasy XIII).

Maguire, who's been chatty lately, explains to the less big business strategically inclined, "Things get wrapped up for a period of time for a large amount of money and if it's a strategic decision by competition to do that then we have to live with that."

Sony, Mr. Maguire says, has better things to do with its money.

"I would much rather that we were investing money into making sure that we've got great R&D and we start producing games like LittleBigPlanet," he adds, "rather than paying other people a huge amount of money to stop people playing their product."

We're glad that Sony is investing internally, even if it means things like EyePet get greenlighted, but we'd bet some PS3 owners certainly wouldn't mind a well-secured exclusive or two of their own. For the record, we're 99.44% sure this doesn't apply to Metal Gear Solid 4, give or take a few percentage points. Haze, maybe. Definitely maybe.

October 29th, 2008, 21:57
Well the day I see Mario 64 officially on a PS3 is the day I cut off my own balls.

Needless to say, that will never happen.

October 29th, 2008, 23:12
Well the day I see Mario 64 officially on a PS3 is the day I cut off my own balls.

Needless to say, that will never happen.

Never say never, hopefully the ps3 does get hacked like the psp (in the end) but yeah! wishfull thinking, anyway id like if they done DLC for GTA IV etc by the store, being charged of course and rockstar get a cut lol

October 29th, 2008, 23:15
He should have worded that differently. Obviously, we're never gonna see a God of War, a Ratchet and Clank, or a Syphon Filter on the 360 are we?

October 29th, 2008, 23:59
He's obviously talking about third party since 1st party is obviously exclusive, except in Microsoft case cause their first party games usually also end up on pc

October 30th, 2008, 00:03
LBP for 360 then please Mr Sony.

October 30th, 2008, 11:25
LBP for 360 then please Mr Sony.

i agree!

this will complement final fantasy, ridge racer, tekken 6, ace combat, virtual fighter...

October 30th, 2008, 18:07
This thing really pisses me off, the ps2 is the great console, it still is, because of its exclusives.

This is in fact why I bought an Xbox 360, there are no PS3 exclusives, and the ones that are, are not worth it (I've always hated MGS series)

Why in hell should I pay more money for something that has the same games I like. The cherry on top of the icecream is Tekken 6 being released for both consoles, it's not like a big issue now that I got the 360, but still pisses me off.

At this rate we'll se Halo 3 on PS3 and God of War on the 360, It ****ing sucks.

edit: And of course I'd love to see sony investing money on getting exclusive games rather than producing stupid pieces of crap like Little Big Planet