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View Full Version : Miyamoto Is Producing Punch-Out

October 30th, 2008, 16:18
When old-timey Nintendo gamers cried out for more old-timey Nintendo games, I don't think Punch-Out was what people had in mind. Wasn't what I had in mind. I had F-Zero 16:9 and Return To Luigi's Mansion in mind. Ah well! Punch-Out it is, and despite the game looking so early you'd swear they cobbled it together in a post-E3 frenzy of appeasement and atonement, people are excited. Will the knowledge that Shigeru Miyamoto is "producer" of the game get you any more excited? Because he is. Course, he's only a producer, not the producer, so all he could be doing is rubber-stamping and putting his name on the box, but even that should be enough for many of you.


October 30th, 2008, 22:39
the early screen shot of punch out wii doesn't seems great in my opinion, I'd rather play the snes version instead.

October 30th, 2008, 23:44
Punch-out Wii:
-- Enjoy the Mario theme, the orchestrated Zelda theme, and Russian folk songs while you take a wack at Mr. Dream! (or your mom's Mii! LOL!!). This time, online play might be bearable!

Anyway, I liked Punch-out! (moreso Mike Tyson's Punch-out), and I hope they're successful in reviving it. :)

October 30th, 2008, 23:45
I liked the original Punchout, so I have to ask, for the sake of a sale: What makes this different from Boxing in Wii sports?