View Full Version : Pandora Now Has 256mb Of Ram And 512mb Internal Nand Storage, Confirmed by Craigix

October 30th, 2008, 21:48
The Pandora as i mentioned some time ago will have some updated features, heres the details posted over at gp32x (http://www.gp32x.com/board/index.php?showtopic=45019&st=0&p=663821&#entry663821)

Just to confirm every Pandora will have the 256MB.

Any delays are still down to the LCDs, we have 640 and the rest are coming when ready.

The two main reasons for the upgrade were 1) being to give some compensation for any fuss we cause with asking some people to reorder and 2) being that we can see where this project (and ARM chipsets in general) might be going and the advantages the extra RAM will give us in this area.

We never really imagined running things like Ubuntu so 128MB seemed fine as 256MB was not available and when it was it was initially so expensive as to be impossible.

But then after the Ubuntu 'buzz' and many long late night chats about it we decided it was worth it, the price came down just enough (after some long negotiations) for us to do it in time.

As you all know we are now making no money on the first batch and it has become more of a love of what we are doing and getting the Pandora out there.

Doom3 anyone?

very interesting time for Pandora Preorderers :)

October 31st, 2008, 03:43
Great news :)

When is the estimated shipping date (for those of us who pre-ordered) in November? I forgot and can't seem to find the info anywhere (either that or I am looking in the wrong places)

Can't wait for the Pandora :)

October 31st, 2008, 04:05
Doom 3? Portable?!

H O L Y ****!

Certainly if it has the processing abilities to run Doom 3, it could easily support a GC emulator of sorts?

October 31st, 2008, 13:00
I'm really impressed by the dedication of craigix and the team and can't wait to receive my pandora. Thanks for the hard work!!!

November 1st, 2008, 00:46
Great news :)

When is the estimated shipping date (for those of us who pre-ordered) in November? I forgot and can't seem to find the info anywhere (either that or I am looking in the wrong places)

Can't wait for the Pandora :)

I remember :)

They will start shipping towards the end of november

November 1st, 2008, 01:36
ubuntu... on a portable device? amazing. doom 3? even better. I was drooling while I read this post.

November 2nd, 2008, 01:12
the processing abilities to run Doom 3, it could easily support a GC emulator of sorts?

I wouldn't go that far. :o

Of course a lot of platforms could support a Gamecube emulator, just not one that would be playable in any shape or form. Unless .1fps is playable :p

There are a lot of possibility's for the Pandora though, just not that :)

November 2nd, 2008, 02:12
Doom 3? That's remarkable for a handheld!
I remember when people getting all excited about Quake III being able to run on it. :P

November 3rd, 2008, 17:11
wow that's great i'll save money now for one of these was about ready to get a eeepc or umpc but seeing this empresses me very much can't wait

latter on maybe 512mb for ram will come in the future!?!?