View Full Version : wads channel restarts when select

October 31st, 2008, 09:34
Hope that someone can help me here. i converted my wii , run a wiikey 1.9s USA update, original a 2.2J Japan wii, updated it to 3.2J Japan using game dvd, then installed Homebrew channel FOR JAPAN WII, then ran Custom IOS V5, then region changer to USA, then CIOS Downgrader V1.2 to 3.2U USA then set system language to english, then ran config dise for wiikey 1.9s USA and saved new region setting. then installed starfall and set region free for all.

Problems is now i use the wad installer to install wads files like wiiware, vc, everythin then when i select the wad that i installed from the main menu, it simply restarts the main menu no matter what i did, tried with NTSC U, region free wads. Please see below video for explaination. Wii backups and original game dise run perfect.


Do i need to reinstall homebrew channel with my current USA version? Please help

Custom IOS V5 Installed
Starfall installed

Running on wiikey clone
Updated to 1.9s USA

Current on 3.2U
Tried also 3.1U
Original 2.2J

October 31st, 2008, 14:38
Please read the rules before you post. Discussion of illegal stuff is not allowed here.

Pay for your games, and you won't have any problems.