View Full Version : Android executes everything you type

November 9th, 2008, 22:02

This is one of the more bizarre bugs we’ve ever heard. The T-Mobile G1 has an open root shell that interprets everything you type as a command. It was discovered when a user just happened to type the word ‘reboot’ in a conversation and the phone immediately rebooted. A patch has already been rolled out to fix this issue. It also buttons up the earlier telnetd SUID problem.


November 9th, 2008, 23:14
Hmm, sounds interesting that. In a sense, another way to reset the phone if problems arise, though probably annoying to others. Not that it matters now seeing that the issue has been patched.

November 10th, 2008, 02:07
So your texting your friend and your like: Did you see that video about rm -rf / then your like ohhh crap lol