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View Full Version : If DC2 may come out what companies should team up?

July 4th, 2004, 06:24
In the state the videogame industry is, if Dreamcast 2 or any other SEGA system will be released it will go down, because of disloyal Sony and ignorant consumers. Moreover, many people are saying the industry should stick together to face a stronger enemy. So, let's hear everyone's opinion about what company should team up with SEGA (not merge) to save the industry from the invaders of planet Sony.

July 4th, 2004, 07:29
Hye, no one votes! I'm so sad... :( NOT! Come on, people! Why it's so hard to vote, if even guests can do it?

July 4th, 2004, 10:20
Why it's so hard to vote, if even guests can do it?

First of all, because it's very difficult to select "which companies should team up", when these polls are set up to only allow you to select one item from the list.

Secondly, because you should have already noticed our skepticism toward the DC2, so (speaking for myself here) we really don't feel like wasting our time voting in a poll that, even if the DC2 ever did become a reality, would have absolutely no effect on anything.

The views expressed in this post are solely those of Curtiss Grymala, and do not, in any way, represent the views or opinions held by DCEmu UK

July 4th, 2004, 10:51
Curtiss Grymala you are a mean guy. Of course there's skepticism; that's the reason why this poll is here. To make people at ease with the possibility of DC2. I do this because I'm real wacko that would do anything to see SEGA come back like a phoenix risen from the ashes.

Anyhow, if people want to vote for more than one, select others and say which ones.

By the way, you people don't really know what's in $ammy's lustful mind.

July 4th, 2004, 23:34
dumb question with even dumber answers

July 5th, 2004, 13:16
ffs, stfu about dc2, its not gonna happen

July 6th, 2004, 06:42
yea now that sammy is with sega you never know.sega is not in big danger like they were before... it could happen...

July 6th, 2004, 10:02
Curtiss Grymala you are a mean guy.

Thank you. I try my hardest. That's what gets me out of bed in the morning.

BTW - Glad to see you fixed the poll.

July 6th, 2004, 10:47
I'm getting kind of sick of seeing so many posts about Dreamcast 2... anyone else here feel the same way? Maybe they aren't as prevalent here, but at the other dcemu they surely are!

July 7th, 2004, 09:32
I'm getting kind of sick of seeing so many posts about Dreamcast 2... anyone else here feel the same way? Maybe they aren't as prevalent here, but at the other dcemu they surely are!Then you'll just love the fact that I just sent one from Dreamcast Discussion into null. ;)

July 7th, 2004, 11:39
thanks Meta :D

whats the name of the topic?

edit: nvm, locked.

July 7th, 2004, 12:59
To hell with you stupid people! Everyone has the right to believe what they want and forums are to write what we believe so screw you MetaFox, ace and similar crap

July 7th, 2004, 13:46
To hell with you stupid people! Everyone has the right to believe what they want and forums are to write what we believe so screw you MetaFox, ace and similar crapWhat got crawled up into your shorts? I didn't say or do anything to you. ::)

July 7th, 2004, 14:39

To hell with you stupid people! Everyone has the right to believe what they want and forums are to write what we believe so screw you MetaFox, ace and similar crap

Please don't flame anyone for nothing because:

Everyone has the right to believe what they want and forums are to write what we believe



July 7th, 2004, 15:43
What got crawled up into your shorts? I didn't say or do anything to you. ::)
nor did I (and I second your ::))

July 7th, 2004, 15:50
i vote for others please specify. i love that one game they made with like spaceships.

July 26th, 2004, 23:34
Man everyone chill i bealive dc2 is possible u never know. If sega can team up with someone like microsoft its very possivle dont forgot bill gates is a billionare and take over the evil sony empire. I love dc it kicks but. So i hope dc2 does happen.

July 26th, 2004, 23:38
It's not going to happen - outside of the toy and arcade markets, Sega is now a software only company. They won't be making a new system for many years to come, if at all.

Even if Sega did make a new system in 2020, it wouldn't be called the Dreamcast 2.

Dreamcast 2 is not going to happen, give it up.

July 27th, 2004, 05:51
DC2 will never happen but it if it happened i would never believe Nintendo or Microsoft but Namco,SNK Playmore and Capcom would have been one of the three. Now i must say a few last words. It will never happen never will but i felt you wanted to hear which companies would have been a play part of that system if it did happen. So i told it without being mean in a friendly enviroment.

Your welcome


August 15th, 2004, 14:38
what about my welcome?

August 24th, 2004, 08:08
Let's see, definately Nintendo, that would be good, and NEC, if there was a DC2, it would be good if it did what Sony did, make it be able to play the original DC games, ie: keep the same platform kinda thing, but really enhanced, DVD drive etc...

Anyway, have a VGA output built in this time, and be able to use higher frequency modes (85Hz, 100Hz, 120Hz etc) and higher resolutions for monitors etc..., develop new controllers etc, but keep the same ports so old controllers can be used, dc keyboard etc, hard drive is a possibility, etc hardware should be used to reflect today/future, pixel shaders onboard the hardware etc....

September 15th, 2004, 03:57
a man can always dream..there is nothing wrong with that..

September 15th, 2004, 04:47
yea now that sammy is with sega you never know.sega is not in big danger like they were before... it could happen...

Hi there:
Think about Sega is not Sega anymore, now is SAMMY.
Microsoft has a lot of interests on it, and is going be really complex. A lot of commercial interersts are in play, and even when having an enormous community all over the world like us, ready to buy a DC2. The thing is, which game platform do we want. Actually there are 5 or 6, and Sony and M$ and Nintendo are direct competitors, very very hard for Sammy.

November 24th, 2004, 02:22
Actually the Smartest move for Sega/Sammy if they where to team with someone on a DC2 is Nintendo, Nintendo in the last couple of consoles has not done so great(except for the hand held of course) but has a core audiance and with Sega and Nintendo having the largest franchises in the industry I truly believe it would be an alternative to Sony and M$ and M$ still makes money on the back end with it's large intrest in Sammy. so in the end (which makes me happy) Sony would be the loser!

Cap'n 1time
November 24th, 2004, 07:02
Rather than seeing a DC2, Its more likely Sega will just continue to make great games for other consoles. Sega is alot like nintendo in that they DONT MAKE CRAPPY SELL OUT GAMES. If Sega ever were to concider making another computer system it would more then likely be a arcade system.

Please stop saying M$. That is so 1999. That isnt to say that linux dosnt kick its ass, but seriously, if you were put in a position where you could monopolize the computer market like microsoft would you not do it?

December 12th, 2004, 05:45
Personally, I think Microsoft and sega isn't gunna happen, Microsoft are too busy with Xbox productions to even notice Sega, Nintendo are on the downfall, the Gamecube is now cheaper than the SP, if Nintendo and Sega Merge and bring out say a.... Dreamcube or something it'd work perhaps, coz definatley wanna see a super smash bros melee with Sonic and crew in it!

December 12th, 2004, 06:13
Personally, I think Microsoft and sega isn't gunna happen, Microsoft are too busy with Xbox productions to even notice Sega, Nintendo are on the downfall, the Gamecube is now cheaper than the SP, if Nintendo and Sega Merge and bring out say a.... Dreamcube or something it'd work perhaps, coz definatley wanna see a super smash bros melee with Sonic and crew in it!

Have you even heard of the DS? And the fact that its selling out, Everywhere.

Sega have to fix the crappy marketing and if it happened, make it backwards compatable.

aww yeah.

December 12th, 2004, 13:10
Have you even heard of the DS? And the fact that its selling out, Everywhere.

Sega have to fix the crappy marketing and if it happened, make it backwards compatable.

aww yeah.

ok Nintendo DS is out WOW Im more concerned on where the GC is gunna go, it's heading the same way the DC if you ask me!! Nintendo should probably focus on portables

December 12th, 2004, 13:19
I'd say more in the way of the N64, obsolete. Ninty always seems to release stuff way too late, i reckon they should either work solely with he handheld stuff, or skip a generation, and be the first console out in that generation. The thing is, I cant see ninty makin as much as sega did liscencing on other consoles.