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View Full Version : DaedalusX64 News update - N64 Emulator for PSP

November 18th, 2008, 22:53
Kreationz posted this news:

Well after taking the weekend off I got back to the code. I found the bug that broke Mario Party, Harvest Moon and possibly others. I made my Double Display List code optional and Mario Party and Harvest Moon now play with it off (It is what fixed 007 and South Park Rally, but broke these and possibly caused a TV out bug or two.)

In the past few days Chilly Willy has sped up the audio code, but this has caused bugs. He and howard0su are working on those bugs. (But as the 1.1 video show the audio code is faster.)

howard0su is also working on the exit related bugs as well.

I've recently had a dynarec idea I'm running past the other coders to see if it's feasible, but not sure yet. Also I'm working with Wally on various graphics related issues.


November 18th, 2008, 23:06
Can't wait for this emulator to reach its full potential, thanks for all the dedication and hard work X64 team.

November 19th, 2008, 02:20
Likewise. Go daedalus!

November 19th, 2008, 03:23
Very interesting and exciting news. Much thanks to all involved in reviving and attempting to improve this emulator.

November 19th, 2008, 04:41
hello ressurection of homebrew!~
Muy Thanks

November 19th, 2008, 12:25
Nice to see they are still working on make a perfect N64 emu.

November 19th, 2008, 14:21
Nice to see they are still working on make a perfect N64 emu.

Its never going to be perfect, not even close! just look at the pc versions...

Still could turn out to be a great emulator with a lot of games playing as they should.


November 19th, 2008, 20:28
fantastic news.

all my hopes for the psp scene goes to you X64 team!

you guys are working at the final mission on the psp.

my dream is that atleast 5-10 N64 games one day will be fullspeed on our psps!

Good luck =)

November 19th, 2008, 21:25
this is great <3
as the others say, i'm happy daedalus isn't lost
strnmmm or however its spelled did an amazing job, and with the new team working hard on it, i believe that this emulator will one day have a decent amount of games that are fully playable :D which is more than anybody can ask for.

November 20th, 2008, 03:51
In the past few days Chilly Willy has sped up the audio code, but this has caused bugs. He and howard0su are working on those bugs. (But as the 1.1 video show the audio code is faster.)

Actually, it hasn't made any "bugs" at all. What it's done is demonstrate the limitations of the emulator (which was written to be run on a fast single-core x86 PC). Howard and I have made good inroads into getting asynchronous code to work in an emulator not designed for that. My latest code hasn't hung on me once so far, and I'm waiting for feedback from some of the others on it.