View Full Version : Which Games Should Capcom Bring Back?

November 20th, 2008, 21:27
ScrewAttack put together another of their always-great Top 10 lists, this time focusing on games that need to be brought back.

After giving Capcom the props for revisiting games like Bionic Commando and of course Street Fighter, he mentions a few things I'd personally like to see (like Starfox!), as well as a bunch of choices from the Capcom stable, including Power Stone, Strider, and... I won't give away their #1 choice.

But really? People want that? We had no idea! Anyway, tell us, what games do YOU think Capcom should revisit?


November 20th, 2008, 21:30
Breath of Fire. BOF! BOF! BOF! I actually liked Dragon Quarter, but I can see how it might have killed the series. Guys, make BOF 6 for the NDS with a mix of 2D and 3D. Please!

November 20th, 2008, 21:41
I want to see Dynasty Wars/Warriors of Fate based 3D game.It should be the answer to Koei's Dynasty Warriors(much like Sengoku Basara was for Samurai Warriors)

November 20th, 2008, 21:47
I want a new Breath of Fire for the PSP!

November 20th, 2008, 22:27
a new 2d Ghosts n Goblins with a graphical quality like Marvel vs Capcom 2, 2d w/ 3d mix. A proper Final Fight 2 and 3 as if it would have come in the arcades in the mid 90's.

November 20th, 2008, 22:44
i wish they would make a new resident evil game series or dead rising or my old fav breath of fire 1 and 2 for psp

November 20th, 2008, 23:06
New dead rising for definite. I liked the challenge that game gave me.

November 20th, 2008, 23:41
"a new 2d Ghosts n Goblins with a graphical quality like Marvel vs Capcom 2"

have you heard of this game before? http://psp.ign.com/objects/769/769179.html

Yeah final fight would be cool, but they would have to bring somthing new to the table with it.

November 21st, 2008, 02:23
Now that Hideo Kojima is done with MGS we need a sequel to Snatcher and a Zone of the Enders 3, as for capcom a new power stone

November 21st, 2008, 06:12

November 21st, 2008, 07:54
Section Z, Strider, U.N. Squadron and Steel Battalion

November 21st, 2008, 12:23
I'd personally like to see (like Starfox!)

Erm, wasn't Starfox by Rare software, AFAIK Capcom had nothing to do with it.

I think a new Final Fight would go down well, I never really enjoyed it (too much button mashing) but other people always liked it.

November 21st, 2008, 12:58
Section Z, Strider, U.N. Squadron and Steel Battalion

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner! My thoughts exactly! After those games another Final Fight HD style with just some added gameplay elements not in the first. 2D really needs to make a comeback.

November 21st, 2008, 16:08
I thought that dead rising 2 was alrdy confirmed in the works? If they could work it with marvel, I would like to see another marvel vs capcom game. Now that I'm thinking, bring that namco x capcom statewide or at least make another one.

November 21st, 2008, 18:34
Bionic commando DS. That's all I need to say.

November 22nd, 2008, 02:03
Strider would be nice...

But what I really want to see is the third Viewtiful Joe! Killing Clover was one of the dumbest things they could have done. =(