View Full Version : Square Enix LA Working On Downloadable Games

November 21st, 2008, 00:38
Square Enix's new Los Angeles studio is still hiring, but they now have a small core staff of coders. To ease the new kids gently into the world of Squeenix development, the new studio is going to focus on downloadable games.

"We started the in-house development team a couple of months ago and we're starting with downloadable content because the team is still small," explained the studio's US president John Yamamoto. "All formats – Xbox Live, WiiWare, PlayStation Network – are all viable formats for us"

The LA studio will also be investigating middleware solutions, after successfully using the Unreal Engine 3 for The Last Remnant. "I want to [...] evaluate lots of middleware," said Yamamoto, "because western middleware is much more advanced compared to Japanese middleware. So we will study and feed back information to Square Enix in Japan."


November 21st, 2008, 18:30
I wish companies would be real like Sega used to be and come out and state that piracy really does not threaten sales.

Square is merely creating a boogeyman just like a world wide network of terrorists that did not exist prior to 2001, etc.

The whole idea is to scare gamers into the idea that if they pirate, the future will be devoid of great games, when actually the market is already over flooded with so many great titles, that no one could possibly ever have time to play them all.

If the game market did for some reason collapse, it would have to due with the (controlled) economy, not piracy, and like I said, we got PLENTY of back catalog to keep us happy, that and an amazing home brew community, just take Cave Story as an example.

One last thing to point out...

...only those who intended to pirate this and other games and not buy them already own the hardware to do as such, so the bottom line is ALL those who are pirating it, NEVER intended to buy it in the first place, thus NOT a SINGLE SALE WAS LOST SQUARE, get over it! You are filthy rich, I live in a car! Where's my bail out? Better yet, forget the bail out, just cut the red tape so we actually have free trade again, lets go back to the barder system, natural competition, screw copy right...

bah! :)