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View Full Version : Anti-violence lobby nixes nasty toys

November 23rd, 2008, 21:51
Before diving into the sea of Christmas shopping, a local group urges people to consider toys that put emphasis on creativity rather than violence.

"The kind of toy we're trying to encourage here are those that build a child's creativity, a sense of collaboration and skills of co-operation," said Wendy Kroeker, a board member with Project Peacemakers.

Yesterday the group carried out its annual inspection of toy sections and stores in Winnipeg. The event is intended to develop awareness about toys that promote violence. It also seeks to offer alternatives.

After the inspection wrapped up yesterday, Kroeker said video games were one area of concern.

"With the game, you don't determine the level of violence of your interaction -- the game determines the violence for you," said Kroeker, citing examples such as the Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto series.

"It's not only that they're engaged in violence, it's violence directed against specific ethnicities ... and violence against women."

Project Peacemakers recommends adults do some research on toys before picking them up for children.

"One huge thing is parents need to play more with their kids," said Kroeker.

As examples of positive toys, she pointed towards art puzzles, board games and constructive tools that enable kids to have fun and build things.

After completing the survey, Project Peacemakers meets with store managers to discuss their findings, including whether some violence-focused toys should be moved so they're not at eye level for young children.

Among the stores receiving a positive ranking in the survey were places such as Hans Christian Toys, Scholar's Choice, A Child's Place and Toad Hall. Zellers and Wal-Mart received a negative ranking in the survey.

Kroeker encouraged people to check out locally-owned toy stores.

"There are a number of stores in Winnipeg that are fantastic and are really trying to be conscientious about what they stock," she said.
