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View Full Version : Snes4iphone v3.0.0 (Beta) (SNES emu for iPhone)

November 25th, 2008, 14:00
SNES4iPhone is a fully featured Super Nintendo (SNES) emulator for the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch! SNES4iPhone is a port of Notaz's excellent PocketSNES emulator. This release is currently for ZodTTD beta testers only.


I decided to release snes4iphone v3.0.0 as a beta as there are some changes that will need to be refined. First up in the change list are snesadvance.dat speedhacks are now properly loaded. This is a double edged sword though as it can speed up some games, yet break others. If you find a game that no longer works with v3.0.0, you may want to check /Applications/snes4iphone.app/snesadvance.dat and remove the game from the list and retry it. Please let me know if you find a snesadvance.dat speedhack that isn't working with snes4iphone.

More... (http://www.pdroms.de/news/13493/)