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View Full Version : Which Is Better - DDR Xtreme or DDR Xtreme 2?

January 17th, 2006, 00:41
I'm getting ready to order DDR for the PS2 in our house, and I'm curious if anyone has any opinions on which is better: DDR Xtreme or DDR Xtreme 2?

I really would like to order one that has extremely simple beginner's modes. Do both of these offer that? Both are on back order at the site from which I'll be ordering them, so I have some time. I ordered the dance mats, the Playstation/Dreamcast adapters (so I can use the mats on my DC, too), FOF (from GOAT Store), and a few other things today. The only thing left for me to order is some copy of DDR for the PS2, and possibly to find a used copy of DDR for the original PS (any suggestions on that?)