View Full Version : Question of the Day: Is Taking Away Gadgets an Effective Form of Punishment?

November 25th, 2008, 20:10
Here is a question for all the parents and troublemaking kids out there. Is taking away favorite gadgets an effective form of punishment? I ask because an amusing story about a stoner having his Xbox 360 confiscated by police today reminded me, in a strange sort of way, about the tragic story of a 15-year old who recently died after running away from home. That case also centered around the confiscation of an Xbox 360. Obviously, the latter incident proves that this tactic can backfire in a big way—but again, in your experience, has it proven effective?


November 25th, 2008, 22:18
Ha, hell yeah. When i was at school a load of mates and I decided to come back to mine for some MP on Crash Team Racing!

Only that once I got home, my PsOne was gone. My dad confiscated it for 2 months, and was grounded too!!!! Most boring 2 months of my life!!


November 26th, 2008, 01:21
During the summer between 5th and 6th grade, my electronics privileges were revoked. That sucked so much. Everyday I had to do nothing but read from the time I woke up until my older brother said I could stop, so it was normally eight hours of reading everyday. Then I could watch t.v. with him or my younger brother, but I couldn't change the channel. I learned my lesson, too bad it didn't keep me from getting bad grades again, lol.

November 26th, 2008, 11:57
I woke until my older brother said I could stop, so it was normally eight hours of reading everyday. Then I could watch t.v.

November 26th, 2008, 16:16
Yeah, throughout high-school, I got banned from games very often. It might have helped somewhat, in that I developed quite a liking for reading books. However, I don't feel like it really helped me to improve my grades, and I learned that my mom would be more likely to ban me if I chattered excitedly to her about the games I was playing. In the end, I learned to not talk to my mom about what I liked, because I did not want her to have a target the next time she came home in a foul mood.

November 26th, 2008, 16:47
yea, if it's becoming too much :p

November 26th, 2008, 19:15

Yes. it can be effective. At least, for me and my brother. When we were younger, we used to play the whole weekends. When our responsibility, and grades, reduced, my mother simply took out the AC adaptors as punishment until we recuperate. That wait took us 3 to 4 months. It always worth the wait. She always ask after that if we want to rent games or buying them.

November 27th, 2008, 05:32
nah, i dont think it is lol. ive been grounded from my consoles and such before, but after like a week you find the little things that you did before games are a little more interesting again xD.