View Full Version : neo4all/aes: how to add games to the romrc

January 17th, 2006, 08:53
Well the title says it all, how do I add games to the romrc? I want to add this sengoku3. http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/3999/sengoku33wg.th.png (http://img39.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sengoku33wg.png)

I added this to the file: #mame set of sengoku3
game sengoku3 MVS "Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Denshou 3"
CPU 0x100000
261-p1.bin 0x0 0x80000 NORM
261-p2.bin 0x80000 0x80000 NORM
SFIX 0x20000
261-s1.bin 0x0 0x20000 NORM
SM1 0x20000
261-m1.bin 0x0 0x20000 NORM
SOUND1 0x300000
261-v1.bin 0x0 0x100000 NORM
261-v2.bin 0x100000 0x100000 NORM
261-v3.bin 0x200000 0x100000 NORM
GFX 0x800000
261-c1.bin 0x0 0x200000 ALTERNATE
261-c2.bin 0x1 0x200000 ALTERNATE
261-c3.bin 0x400000 0x200000 ALTERNATE
261-c4.bin 0x400001 0x200000 ALTERNATE

but it did nothing, I guess the numbers have to be different like (0x200000) etc, but how do I know what numbers should be there.

thanks in advanced.

February 26th, 2006, 07:11
Don't know if you are still interested, but I figured out how to add sengoku3 to the romrc by looking at the neogeo driver's source in mame. Just make sure you have the correct rom set (neogeo not mame) with the s1 file and decrypted c files or graphics will be garbled. Anyways, just copy this into your romrc file:

#mame set of sengoku3
game sengoku3 MVS "Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Denshou 3"
CPU 0x200000
261-p1.rom 0x100000 0x100000 NORM
- 0x000000 0x100000 NORM
SFIX 0x20000
261-s1.rom 0x0 0x20000 NORM
SM1 0x20000
261-m1.rom 0x0 0x20000 NORM
SOUND1 0x0e00000
261-v1.rom 0x0 0x400000 NORM
261-v2.rom 0x400000 0x400000 NORM
261-v3.rom 0x800000 0x400000 NORM
261-v4.rom 0xc00000 0x200000 NORM
GFX 0x2000000
261-c1.rom 0x0 0x800000 ALTERNATE
261-c2.rom 0x1 0x800000 ALTERNATE
261-c3.rom 0x1000000 0x800000 ALTERNATE
261-c4.rom 0x1000001 0x800000 ALTERNATE

Build the .aes file, test it, and it should run. Have fun!

p.s. If your interested I also have just about all other dumped neogeo games added to the romrc file (with the exception of metal slug 4, it refuses to work no matter what, may be a bad/incorrect set of roms) such as Strikers 1945 plus. I also fixed bangbead (wasn't working for me) and some others that gave a black screen after loading.

February 26th, 2006, 12:01