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View Full Version : Sony denies PS3 price cut rumor - but it'll still happen

November 27th, 2008, 20:40
It's claimed that David Reeves discussed the current economic climate and the Playstation business in that context. He then stated that "SCEE will be getting more competitive in price from March 2009 onwards."

D+Pad, as well as almost every other gaming site on the Web, has put two and two together and assumed this must mean a PS3 price cut is on the way in time for Easter 2009. This would coincide with the expected release of Killzone 2, probably the most important release on the console since LittleBigPlanet.

Sony Computer Entertainment America representative outright denied the March price cut, telling Edge:
"There are no plans for a price reduction on PS3 in March 09, and anything reported on or discussed otherwise is purely rumor or speculation."

Maybe it is rumor and speculation but there is no smoke without fire. And a price cut early next year is hardly in the realms of make-believe now is it. The PS3 is too expensive for mainstream consumers, especially in the current economic climate, and Sony needs to cut the price soon in order to compete with the Wii and Xbox 360, both of which are considerably cheaper than the Playstation 3.


November 28th, 2008, 03:46
I buy it. Sony denied the first price cut until the day it happened. In fact, its good business. Make sure all those going out to buy one, do so at the MORE EXPENSIVE price, rather than let them "in the know" and wait until the cut happens.

November 28th, 2008, 03:49
They'll probably still have some deal or bundle for Xmas that will entice people into buying one.

November 28th, 2008, 05:19
Am I the only one who believes them when they say their will be no price cut before christmas. They'll probably drop the price when no more games are coming out that will make people buy the console. So probably after inFamous and killzone 2 come out in early 09 then they'll cut the price for god of war 3 and heavy rain

November 28th, 2008, 23:12
Am I the only one who believes them when they say their will be no price cut before christmas. They'll probably drop the price when no more games are coming out that will make people buy the console. So probably after inFamous and killzone 2 come out in early 09 then they'll cut the price for god of war 3 and heavy rain

Trouble is, the last price cut they denied until it happened. Notice how long we have gone without "rumors" of price cuts? A year just about. Now all of sudden they are cropping up again?

I am of the mind that Sony, and all corporations stir up these rumors to get themselves into the news.

November 29th, 2008, 00:14
Trouble is, the last price cut they denied until it happened. Notice how long we have gone without "rumors" of price cuts? A year just about. Now all of sudden they are cropping up again?

I am of the mind that Sony, and all corporations stir up these rumors to get themselves into the news.

Why would they want people potentially holding off on a PS3 purchase (especially if they can get them to pay more for it)?

November 29th, 2008, 01:32
Why would they want people potentially holding off on a PS3 purchase (especially if they can get them to pay more for it)?

True, but where else do rumors come from? Most often, the horse's mouth.

If Joe Schmoe said there was a rumor of a price cut, would anyone listen? It wouldn't be on any major site that has a reputation to uphold....