View Full Version : Pspssh hb-edition

November 27th, 2008, 20:57
News/release from Human-Behind (http://xtreamlua.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=4582)

Developed by ZX81, as amended by Human-Behind


- Added libcurl folder (compiled)
- Adding download.c and download.h
- Adding gip.c and gip.h
- Changing psp_login.c
- Gip_enc (software to run on the Linux server * only *)
- Press triangle to automatically obtain IP remote server.

How its works:

It must be put in context, we have a server but we do not know his ip (because the box was reboot, for example, or for any other reason) or to connect via ssh we need ip server .
To resolve this problem is simple, requires that the server upload a text file that contains the IP on a ftp server, and then with the client (the PSP) will download this file and we will read it.
First the server side, we will use my small software gip_enc. We must therefore launch gip_enc to launch the server, then gip_enc'll see if the server is connected to the Internet and if so it will upload a txt file (containing ip) on the ftp * préalblement chosen, if any When the server is not connected to the Internet, the software looks and when the server is connected it will send the file (containing ip).
From the client side is even simpler, first must complete the file url.txt by the url where the file ip.txt (eg if the file is located at: http:// / tata.ifrance.com / ip.txt, you just put http://tata.ifrance.com/, then it must connect to the Internet, once that is done just press triangle to get ip.

/ *! * \ If you want to test should not be that the customer is connected to the same access that the Internet server. / *! * \

Of course you can change what you want in the sources of gip_enc.

* The software does not know what ftp upload the text file, there are therefore know by editing the file login.txt. So open the login.txt, on the first line mark the username that allows access to ftp, on the second line put the password, then click the third line of the host. (example: If my username is "foo", that my password is "bar" and that my host is tata.ifrance.com (Do not save for /) then I will file this form login.txt :


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