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View Full Version : Mumbai V.S Oil...

November 28th, 2008, 09:51
Mumbai, So, mumbai is in the middle of a crisis and where are we?

If we don't Go in and help those people, then Americas word is worthless. We declared a war on terror, and committed to stamp it out where ever it exists.

But I guess there isn't any oil in Mumbai.

perhaps I don't have all the facts.
but, we ran over to the middle east to "stamp out terror" and we are still there. But Mumbai? What about mumbia?

Honestly, I won't take the economy as an excuse. America is hurting right now. but I don't see us pulling our troops back from oil-topia .

If we are so committed to this "terror war" Why aren't we over in mumbai where the terrorists seem to be these days?

Screw it.

we all know the answers to these questions.,,

it's just makes me sick is all :(...

Still. if mumbai was smart, they wouldn't want america over there anyway I suppose.

November 28th, 2008, 12:17

November 28th, 2008, 13:10
Whats really sad is, it's all funny, I almost died laughing:rofl:

But at the same time it's all true too :(

November 28th, 2008, 13:32
Worse still, nothing has changed in all this time.