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View Full Version : Gran Turismo 5 - Christmas 2009!

November 30th, 2008, 20:20
From a very surprising yet highly reliable source, we’ve got the most likely and realistic Gran Turismo 5 release date! Sony’s chief executive in southern Europe, James Armstrong, revealed in a statement to Spanish newspaper El Financiero that we can expect the game to arrive (in Europe, at least) Christmas 2009. Here’s the full translated quote:

For next year, the chief executive of Sony Computer Entertainment for southern Europe said that they are developing a new game thriller, in which the player may be designing their own history, and the new version of Gran Turismo, which will arrive at Christmas.

This would provide for a late summer release in Japan, and late fall/early winter releases in the United States and Europe. From a sales perspective, it would also provide the PlayStation franchise with a major blockbuster release heading into next year’s Christmas season. What do you think?


November 30th, 2008, 20:27
I can't wait till game comes out next year!!!