View Full Version : Playing Guitar Hero could make you want to do something besides play video games

December 2nd, 2008, 15:55
Sure, some studies have shown that excessive gaming can lead to less interest in things like studying and doing homework, but it turns out that, pretty unsurprisingly, playing Guitar Hero or Rock Band might actually lead children to want to learn... to rock out on real instruments, anyway. That's right, according to a truly shocking report in The Times of London, roughly half of the 3 to 18 year-olds in the UK have played a music game, and one fifth of them have been motivated by their playing to give a real instrument a try, which has led to 2.5 million new budding Ted Nugents (or Jared Letos) springing up. So it's true, the kids aren't exactly studying, but at least they're doing something that could maybe eventually lead to them standing up or... something. School's out forever, dude.


December 3rd, 2008, 03:25
yeah, for some1 like me i have no musical tallent WHAT SO EVER! .. yet i have good hand eye cordination, so like for me playing guitar hero is my instrument lol... altho it has made me think of asking my mate who does play guitar, to teach me how to play .. but it doesnt go anywhere :p .. the thoughts there, thats what counts doesnt it .. lol .. i think ill just keep shredding at guitar (hero).

December 3rd, 2008, 08:28
Playing the first tony hawk game on the ps1 led me to pick up a board and give it a go and ive been skatin ever since. I have been playin guitar since I was a kid but I bet if I wasn't, guitar hero might had motivated me to do so lol