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View Full Version : Homebrew of the year 2004

February 7th, 2005, 13:49
What the best Homebrew release of the year (ports not included) the some of the contenders are:

Revolver (Vortexx)

Tetris 2 (VG Software)

Bugs (Kamjin)

Joggle (Warmtoe)

Whispered Secrets ( Ian Michael)

Melcior (Anton Norgren)

Another Asteroids Clone (Eytan Kaziberdov)

DCastle (Heinrich Tillack )

Alice (Patbier and Poche)

DCSquares (c99.org)

Battery (jimbo)

Trampalien Gunmen DC (GPF & John Szczepaniak)

one vote each, no changing you vote

February 7th, 2005, 14:38
Tough one. :o

I'm going to have to go with Revolver. I showed it at the Midwest Gaming Classic last year, and it got quite a bit of an audience.

It's really a great game.

February 7th, 2005, 14:45
yeah it is a Toughie, but i think will go with Joggle just because it is a great idea and is nice and polished, but Alice, DCastle fighting for second and Revolver 3rd for me...

btw if there any other games that should be on the list of contenders, please do tell

February 7th, 2005, 16:32
I added Tetris 2, DCSquares and Battery to the list. I wasn't sure if I should add DCPacMan3D to the list or not (since, technically, I suppose it's a port).

I am reserving my vote for a later date. I have to think about this for a while.

February 7th, 2005, 16:42
teris 2 is already on the list, the 2nd one ;D

i guess that dcsquares was released at the same time as the p.c and mac version so it not a "port", i excluded DCPacMan3D because it was a port

February 7th, 2005, 17:25
you forgot John Szczepaniak's and mine's "Trampalien Gunmen DC" which is not a port, but a clone.

Which I will put my vote for.


February 7th, 2005, 18:03
teris 2 is already on the list, the 2nd one ;D

I don't know how I missed that. I looked at the list probably five times before adding anything, to try to make sure I didn't duplicate anything.

i guess that dcsquares was released at the same time as the p.c and mac version so it not a "port", i excluded DCPacMan3D because it was a port

I figured DCPacMan3D would be excluded.

February 11th, 2005, 15:16
So the votes are:
Revolver : 1
Trampalien Gunmen DC: 1

Total votes:3

also the closing date will be the end of the month, just like the emu of the year topic

February 11th, 2005, 17:32
Daggone this is a tough one. I suppose I'll give my vote to Bugs. I am such a big fan of classic space arcade games (like Galaga, Space Invaders, etc.) that I will have to vote for that one. I must note, though, that I thoroughly enjoyed playing Tetris 2, DCSquares, Joggle, AAC and a few others.

February 11th, 2005, 20:06
A really tough one ;D

Noiz2SA by Chui is one of my absolute favorites - A hombrewn REZ. Now if it would run better on the later stages ...but it's a port, right!?

Revolver is just incredible revolutionary with that light gun game play and the superb gfx. Here comes Warmtoe into mind with his wonderful contributions to the scene... Isn't he the one that developed the light gun code? Damn thanks to all of you code wizards out there - you're doin an amazing job there :)

Melchior, DCSquares and Tetris2 are the ones I played the most 8) ...And the others Im playing more and more these days. Theyre great :) Can't wait for a final version of Alice Dreams, Giana's Return and DCastle of course.

My vote however, goes out to L@Cible with his unbelievable 2 player car racing game DCSTUNT - it's still in an early stage but once it's more advanced it'll be the best hombrewn racing game ever made. Im sure bout that!


February 11th, 2005, 21:02
holy cow... tough one. bugs is like tops, but in 2004 i played quite a bit of revolver in 2k4... also, i suppose that bTime is / may be a clone/ port but it does rock too. grrr... yeah, revolver. pow.

February 11th, 2005, 21:02
My vote goes to Tetris 2: make your own themes, swap in your audio or MP3 CD's - genius ;).

Close runner up would have to be DCSquares, totally addictive fun, that's not to say that any others listed are not addictive or fun but the two mentioned seem to be the most polished and complete games. Most promising for me would be Alice, Revolver seems to be in a class of it's own, and as for DCastle - can't wait for the full version.

February 11th, 2005, 21:53
also, i suppose that bTime is / may be a clone/ port but it does rock too.

Dude - thanks - I really must do more with bTime - I am pretty pleased with that bad boy - just need to talk to Krut again...

February 11th, 2005, 22:02
yeah it is a Toughie, but i think will go with Joggle just because it is a great idea and is nice and polished, but Alice, DCastle fighting for second and Revolver 3rd for me...

By way of a thankyou for your vote... have a new version of it... http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ian_edwards/warmtoe/joggle_2005.zip

February 11th, 2005, 22:08
Revolver is just incredible revolutionary with that light gun game play and the superb gfx. Here comes Warmtoe into mind with his wonderful contributions to the scene... Isn't he the one that developed the light gun code? Damn thanks to all of you code wizards out there - you're doin an amazing job there :)
I did do a lightgun driver - however, I'm not sure how much of this got used in Revolver - Toastman has some lightgun code now too which I talked with him about - hope that sees its way into a public forum somewhere...

My vote however, goes out to L@Cible with his unbelievable 2 player car racing game DCSTUNT - it's still in an early stage but once it's more advanced it'll be the best hombrewn racing game ever made. Im sure bout that!
Sprint was another thing that I never quite finished - in fact I'd lost the source for it - just found a copy of it again and perhaps I'll find time to tinker with that...

February 12th, 2005, 04:05
I do have to say after playing Joggle and thinking that this is one of those fun type of family games that this would be a big number in the scene. Also the graphics are a pretty good just for a word game and it seems with warmtoe what he creates has to be fun and has to great graphics to play.


February 13th, 2005, 14:17
All are really good but Ill vote for DCastle! Its certainly the most proffesional of the bunch. Looks fantastic and its fun to play!

February 13th, 2005, 14:24
I dont mind DCastle at all but i thought they could have done a little more with the demo to give us more of what to do and how to complete. I know the first one i died automatically after destroying all the bars i guess i did something wrong i have no clue and the second version wicked update on the graphics but i cant remember what happened when i tried to kill skull thing with a smoke. Anyways that wasnt bad but i was confused in that game and thats why i chose Joggle as game of the year.


February 13th, 2005, 16:46
Well I never realized Revolver was that popular. Thanks to all the people who said they liked it. I should probably try and release another version of it soon then.

I haven't played Joggle but from the screenshots I saw it looks like a fun game.
Others I tried last year were Alice and DCastle, both fantastic games.

February 13th, 2005, 21:00
Well I never realized Revolver what that popular.


...how should you know if no one tells you *;)

February 14th, 2005, 11:10
So the votes are:
Revolver : 2
Trampalien Gunmen DC: 1
Tetris 2: 1

Total votes:9

so is an open race!

Dcsquares is another great game. in a way its a shame that you only get one vote because there are so many great games! oh well

..how should you know if no one tells you

well thats one of the good things about a poll like this, coders can find out how popular their games was, to a degree...

February 14th, 2005, 23:58
Yeah i feel the same about DCSquares :-/

I did do a lightgun driver - however, I'm not sure how much of this got used in Revolver - Toastman has some lightgun code now too which I talked with him about - hope that sees its way into a public forum somewhere...

Sprint was another thing that I never quite finished - in fact I'd lost the source for it - just found a copy of it again and perhaps I'll find time to tinker with that...

I can't wait to see Sprint :)

I recently downloaded bloop_demo_180503.zip, but I could'nt get it to work :'( Would you mind re-releasing it, freshly compiled? Maybe it'd work then?

February 21st, 2005, 20:23

February 22nd, 2005, 14:40
I dont mind DCastle at all but i thought they could have done a little more with the demo to give us more of what to do and how to complete. *......


Eric, you got it. the game is far from complete and that`s why I called it "DCASTLE preview"...so please be patient and have a look at the second preview....this version should be "more" playable....

the first version just ends if you destroyed SMILY (the yellow model with the strange skull *;D ) that`s it....

I vote for Alice!

February 22nd, 2005, 21:11
my vote goes on Bugs

February 22nd, 2005, 21:54
I got votes ;D Thankya!

There was quite a bit of good stuff this year, really hard to decide..
DCastle and Revolver are definately the lookers.
I found myself playing Joggle quite a bit as well.

I love light gun games so My votes goes to Revolver..
(Vortexx, Do a GraveYard LEVEL!!!!!)

February 22nd, 2005, 23:10
Gianas Return is missing too

one more to add ;)

February 23rd, 2005, 13:49
(Vortexx, Do a GraveYard LEVEL!!!!!)

Funny you mention that, because I remember someone telling me to do a graveyard level many months ago...maybe it was yourself. I cannot recall.
Thank you for the vote though :)

February 23rd, 2005, 14:49
This isnt a vote rather a small simple review on why i chose Joggle.

Bug is a great game dont get me wrong and the reason why i like it is that it clings both Invadors and Galaga in one game and also brings a little bit of the past. Why i didnt choose this over Joggle was that we needed something new for a gaming system and Joggle was that kind of game. I havent really seen a word puzzler for a gaming system besides the good "ol" WordTris for Super Nintendo.

It does bring a bit of the past but seen as how there isnt many of those games out there and if there is they are "how to spell" games for the kiddies and this way Joggle brings "how to spell" games for the whole family. Now i know with the just demo releases that is a try before another thing is release but with demo's i also test how much is completed so we know that the next demo will give us a clearer look at what the game will be like.

Joggle was clear to see what this game is and will be like in the future cause it is just a simple fun word puzzler but it was also easy to complete a demo that would show us what the next release will be like. Even though there is no music in the game its still fun.

The Revolver game is a great game but i didnt like the fact i had to point my gun in a different direction to kill people which made me think away from it and again i know its just a demo and the future release should be better but for my testings i like clear demos to show me exactly if the game will be as perfect as it should.

Anyways this is just a small type of review i hope doesnt offend anybody but will put some clear ideas and thoughts into the voting system and even though i voted for Joggle doesnt mean Bugs or Revolver arent a good vote cause i have differences in fun factors and i dont know what other people like.


February 23rd, 2005, 15:30
don't worry i don't think you could offend anyone that post, you give you reason and they are good reason. people don't like "it sucks" or "its really crapy".

i agree with you the reason i voted joggle was because it was the most original HB game i have play in 2004, i think we should incourage more original games.... having said that a 3D homebrew lightgun game was very cool! Alice looks very cool but i think the controls are not right yet, and DCastle looks very cool but i think the gameplay needs to be tweeted a bit (i did kill SMILY)

personally 2004 was a great year for homebrew for the DC, the bar has been raised... and again this year the bar has been rised again with btime... thats one of the most nicest looking HB dc games i have seen

February 24th, 2005, 00:44
I do defenitly agree that the Burger Time clone done is very well done again bringing back the past but only this time upgrading the graphics and making this Arcade classic an interesting pick :)


February 24th, 2005, 17:17
New page, so a score update

Revolver : 3


Trampalien Gunmen DC: 1
Tetris 2: 1

Total votes:12

February 24th, 2005, 17:18
Gianas Return is missing too

one more to add ;)

is that a vote wraggs?

February 24th, 2005, 21:38
Can I vote for myself?


February 25th, 2005, 10:30
Can I vote for myself?


yes , can ;)

February 28th, 2005, 11:37
last day to vote!

March 1st, 2005, 11:48
voting over, results

1st: Revolver : 3
3rd: Bugs:2
Trampalien Gunmen DC: 1
Tetris 2: 1

Total votes:13

March 1st, 2005, 12:00
Trampalien Gunmen DC :P

March 1st, 2005, 12:05
sorry too late Will :-/

March 1st, 2005, 15:44
sorry too late Will *:-/

ahh man let it count :) LOL
