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View Full Version : Sony Has No Plans to Put Netflix on PS3

December 9th, 2008, 23:48
Bad news, PS3ers. While most of us saw Netflix on the PS3 as inevitable, Sony is not only denying rumors of it's arrival to the PS3, they're explaining why they think it's a horrible idea.


December 10th, 2008, 01:38
you can always use the Program playon it works really well and allows you to watch netflix movies and hulu and youtube and cbs shows as well all you need is a computer running playon. I love it

Ultima Chocochu
December 10th, 2008, 03:58
I read some comments on the page, I find it funny people acting as if the PS3 is their only means of watching movies from Netflix or something.
After all, you can plug a PC into most TV's, and there are converters for that either way.
EVEN THEN you can just ORDER the movie FROM Netflix, with better quality so why complain that PS3 won't impement it?

You can also freaking watch videos while downloading them, unless for some unknown reason this isn't possible if you rent something off the PSN.

December 10th, 2008, 12:54
HDTV's these days let u use ur PC with it, thats wat i do!

i have my PC and my PS3 running thru the same TV, Pain in ass wen i wanna play PS3 and watch TV tho :(

December 11th, 2008, 21:39
why would they need netflix? they already can do most things that netflix on the 360 can do

Stone Temple Pilots
December 13th, 2008, 23:58
I don't know why people would be caught by surprise about this. I doubt you'd see Netflix on two competing systems.

Ultima Chocochu
December 14th, 2008, 03:01
It's just kind of pointless for Sony to kill off their on video service, plus would it not be possible to run it off the Internet Browser?
EITHER WAY, you can obviously work around this with a PC.

December 14th, 2008, 10:07
you can always use the Program playon it works really well and allows you to watch netflix movies and hulu and youtube and cbs shows as well all you need is a computer running playon. I love it

dude you have to pay for playon.... so it would be like paying for 2 services. you can argue that yes people are paying for live but thats mostly for the gaming i doubt anyone would purchase it just to watch movies on their 360. btw the ps3 browser works good enough for hulu you just cant go full screen.

December 14th, 2008, 18:57
I don't know why people would be caught by surprise about this. I doubt you'd see Netflix on two competing systems.

Actually, that wouldn't be so far fetched. Netflix is in the business to make money. If they worked deals with both MS and Sony they'd:

1)Increase their install base to console owners. While this wouldn't be such a big deal since I imagine most console owners own a PC as well, it would increase the "convenience" factor, which is in fact a great tool to selling or offering services more effectively.

2)Netflix no doubt charged MS a licensing fee to use their service. This is probably in upwards of thousands of dollars upfront. Even if no one uses Netflix on the 360 this money is still given to Netflix to make the service available on the 360.

In the eyes of Netflix, they wouldn't care if all 3 console companies wanted to make Netflix available on their consoles.

Sony's main issue with this, I believe, is that they invested time and money into making their own service. To spend this time and money make a service and then throw in Netflix at an additional cost, would make their efforts pointless.

Not to mention, Sony can offer better deals and incentives, since there is no "middle man" (in this case Netflix). Sony can also recoup mounting costs to avail the PSN for free through their own movie service, thus improving the PSN for everyone.

I am glad Sony didn't use Netflix in all honesty. 360 users are now burdened with 2 monthly fees to use Netflix on the 360 (a Live Subscription and a Netflix subscription). Sony users aren't burdened with any monthly fees whatsoever.

If a PS3 user truly wants to use Netflix, they can simply use their PC. Download a movie to their PC hard-drive, use the DLNA (I think I got that acronym right) server tool with Windows Media Player or some other DLNA program and stream the movie to their PS3.

Or pay the 1.99 or whatever the cost to stream the movie from the store. Sony's system is a win-win for everyone honestly. If we use it, portions of the funds are no doubt appropriated to the maintenance of the PSN, which in turn will make the PSN better for all us...

Stone Temple Pilots
December 15th, 2008, 04:57
^^^ I couldn't agree with you more! Great post.

That's a factor that makes Xbox unattractive to me, the whole subscription cost dealy