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View Full Version : David Heyman talks Deathly Hallows split

December 11th, 2008, 20:01
IESB.net has a great new interview with Potter producer David Heyman, who talks about, among other films, Deathly Hallows:

IESB: I have to ask the obligitory Harry Potter questions, is it a good thing they split up the upcoming films?

Heyman: Yes, I didn't want to do it initially. I was like, "This is crazy." And then the decision rested ultimately with the filmmakers. The studio said you do whatever you think is right and initially I was like, "This is crazy!" And then I started going through the book and the thought of doing it in one film is insane. This is the story where so much is resolved. In previous films we've been able to remove certain things that didn't relate to Harry, we took Harry's journey. And in this one it was nothing, I mean, it was so much harder to remove things. The think we could have removed would have been the Deathly Hallows, but the book is called The Deathly Hallows and that would have been slightly problematic. And so we made the decision and I was speaking with Steve the other day, Clovis the writer, and he says, "you know there are times I think we could have done three movies..." There is so much material and it's such great material that now I feel very positive about the two film approach.

Heyman also talks about working on Potter-related movies after Deathly Hallows, and specifically says that he would not work on Beedle the Bard. This is particularly interesting because just the other day we showed you a rumor saying WB was considering a Beedle film.
