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View Full Version : Home launched, and crashed.

December 13th, 2008, 19:32
News from Alek of Dark Alex fame:

PlayStation Home has been officially launched under open beta.

But well, you know what does "beta" means. And what does means "open". Beta will make it full of bugs, and Open will mean that you will get tons of errors trying to connect this first days.

SKFU has posted some relevant information about this beta "game", or if you would like to say it like that, about this beta "experience" that is at the moment, full of bugs.

Between all the possible bugs and things that could be done, SKFU decides to explain one that could allow any user to upload any file to the HOME server. That's a huge vulnerability. Lol.

I have to agree with SKFU when he says that "First they delay HOME for more than a year, then they delay it a few times again and again till finally we have a HOME beta on a technical standard from 2005 with crappy graphics, a few boring areas and many many many many many many many many bugs." Well, at least bowling is funny. Oh, wait, yeah, also it is chess and that old fashioned rock dance.

Of course, remember that this information is just for clarification purposes, and you must NOT use it to do bad, bad things.

Btw, seems like all the houses made under the closed beta have been deleted.. Too bad, we'll have to recreate it. Hope that it wont be too expensive. Lol again.
