View Full Version : Star Wars: The Wii Mod Unleashed

December 15th, 2008, 23:33

We just had a thought: with Wii supplies potentially catching up with demand, we may see a Wii modding boom. After all, there's slightly less danger to modding a Wii if it is possible to find another one -- and some people may not have been able to find even one Wii to accidentally gouge or splatter.

This Star Wars mod adds fiber-optic stars, a plexiglass logo and a hand-painted space combat scene to an aftermarket black Wii case -- with, of course, the standard slot light alteration. As a certain Star Wars character might say, "GRRRRAAARRRGGGHHHHH!" (That's the Chewbacca noise, which we've never tried to transcribe before.)

If you somehow still love Star Wars after all it's been through, you can follow modder BeerBellyJoe's Instructable, or just buy the thing on eBay, with 15% of the purchase price going to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. It even includes a copy of The Force Unleashed! BeerBellyJoe is also responsible for a totally great Mario mod from earlier this year, as well as the must-see Hulk system.
