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View Full Version : Cross Edge Crossing Oceans In March, Mana Khemia 2 In The Future

December 20th, 2008, 10:53
I’ve known this for awhile, but since someone else revealed the secret I can finally talk about it. A lot of you guys figured this out too. NIS America is taking care of Cross Edge (X-Edge) and it’s tentatively slated for March. Cross Edge, much like Chaos Wars, unites characters from multiple games into a single PlayStation 3 game. Familiar faces from Ar Tonelico, Darkstalkers, Mana Khemia, and Disgaea come together in Cross Edge.

NIS America also says to “look forward” to Mana Khemia 2 which means it’s also getting localized. Yes, you’re still going to be playing RPGs on your PS2 in 2009.


December 21st, 2008, 04:38
Awww yeah! I've been kinda excited for Cross Edge, now I can finally play with Etna outside of a Disgaea game! :D