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View Full Version : OpenBor 3.0 WIP News

December 20th, 2008, 11:15
SX posted this news over at lavalit:

I have decided this is the best time to relabel OpenBOR from version 2.xxx to 3.xxxx once I have finished working on stereo support on XBOX and added 16,32 bit video to xbox and dreamcast and finally fix the controls on gp2x. Here are the list of upcoming features, though not many but they are significant.

8,16,32 bit video modes for all platforms.
Stereo support for all platforms.
A new list of video modes that the engine will support.

Now this means, there will not be any releases until I have finished, which I believe I should be finished in about 1 to 2 weeks.


December 20th, 2008, 21:45
Sounds interesting !