View Full Version : Study suggests games do the aging brain good

December 21st, 2008, 10:51
It turns out that massive, floating, Andross-esque visage we affectionately dub Brain Age bastard Dr. Kawashima might have been onto something. Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (via Reuters) conducted a study with 40 adults in their 60s and 70s, divided into two groups with one playing Rise of Nations approximately 23 hours over the span of a month and the other playing nothing.

The results? Those who gamed reportedly showed improvements in cognitive tests for memory, reasoning and multi-tasking. Researchers caution against jumping to conclusions until further studies are conducted. May we suggest seeing what happens when they try to play Space Giraffe and Left 4 Dead?


December 21st, 2008, 20:39
Anything that stimulates "Ye Olde Neurons" is going to have a positive effect on your brain.

December 21st, 2008, 21:26
I bet a game like Professor Layton DS would really help. Perfect gift for someone who wants to exercise their noggin.