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View Full Version : DCEmu Awards 2008 - PSP Coder of the Year

December 21st, 2008, 13:04

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.

So one vote each.

Who is the PSP Coder of the Year ?

Your Votes Via Comments - Give some info for your vote too.

December 21st, 2008, 14:08
It's so hard to pick one.
It's a choice for me between Ahman and zx-81.
For sheer volume, I'm picking zx-81.

December 21st, 2008, 14:10
I would say Art, he's given us many good games,apps. I really like his works.

December 21st, 2008, 14:29
Stakker, PSParticle Player, many quality ports,& work on PGE Lua. That's easily worth my vote for Mk2k

December 21st, 2008, 14:37
I have to say Zx-81....he's really good, really fast and in my case even took requests...I could never thank him enough for doing the Atari 2600 emu as the only previous release was only partially functional and was abandoned...then Zx agreed to do one and now there is a fully functional emu with great options....

Thanks again ZX!! I hope someday to be a happy Pandora owner (not financially likely right now) and hope to see some of your work there as well!! (hint hint Atari 2600...LOL!!)

However I do appreciate the work of all of the coders who do this all of their own time and for little or in most cases no compensation....they are a special breed of person, driven to see what they can accomplish despite the difficulties or seeming impossibilities....The N64 and GBA emus are proof that talent and desire can overcome many obstacles....

And all of these people have greatly enhanced my experience with the PSP....in my guesstimation...a good 75% of my PSP usage was a result of the fine coders of this community...

Safari Al
December 21st, 2008, 15:09
Insert_Witty_Name, MK2k, or HardHat

if I had to pick one it'd be Insert_Witty_Name for the work he did on PGELua

December 21st, 2008, 20:59
We'll I would have to go definately with dark-alex popstation and m33 ftw

December 21st, 2008, 21:09
I think Insert Witty Name of Dark_AleX win this one.

December 21st, 2008, 23:02
Dark Alex without a doubt

December 22nd, 2008, 07:06
Dark_AleX, hands down.

December 22nd, 2008, 07:25

December 22nd, 2008, 13:34
brokencodes :)

December 22nd, 2008, 18:44
Playable software coder = ZX 81. This guy is just too cool.
but ultimately my vote has to go to DAX and his team.
The DAX releases have been the cornerstone of the scene for some time now.

December 23rd, 2008, 23:07
Dark_AleX for CFW and pops. Runner up Ahman for IRShell<-----If you haven't tried it then do it now, today, best homebrew ever!