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View Full Version : penny arcade ep 2, game breaking glitch.

December 24th, 2008, 03:52
Merry Christmas!!, To hell with that atheistic happy holidays bullshit.....my thread my rules,, don't like it? ,dont let the door hit ya on the way out.. on topic, is everyone enjoying penny arcade episode 2? I'll bet your not.. it seems episode 2 has a game breaking glitch that allows save files to grow way beyond the allotted size that the ps3 allows, the end result is a broken save system that simply will not load saves once this happens.

I have links but i'm on my ps3 with no way to post them. if your interested,, search google or the penny arcade forums. They are working on a fix as we speak and hopefully the issue will be resolved soon.

untill then there is always episode one I suppose.

*edit hothead developer and PA forums regular jole ,, has stated the problem has been isolated and the patch is completed,, however, sonys r&d team are on holiday break and therefore they can't release the patch till january.
but it's definitely coming..