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View Full Version : Make your own PSP stand using a toaster and $.25

January 25th, 2006, 18:55
Source Joystiq (http://www.joystiq.com/2006/01/25/make-your-own-psp-stand-using-a-toaster-and-25/)

<blockquote>This series of photos shows how Flickr user JavaMoose created his own stylish PSP stand with a little heat, a little ingenuity, and about $.25 worth of orange plastic. Right on!

When asked how to create one, JavaMoose explained:

"Well, you can use a strip-heater like I did - or just heat up the plastic with a hot-air gun (a hairdryer usually doesn't cut it) and make the bends (edge of a wooden board is perfect). It is really very simple to do, and only three bends to make. If you use a hot-air gun - keep it moving. If you stay in one spot too long you can burn the plastic. Hell, if you wanted to do it on the super-cheap - use a toaster (slot kind, not oven kind). Just hold the plastic a half-inch above the toast-slot. You'll feel it when it is soft enough to bend..."</blockquote>

Full info here --> http://www.flickr.com/photos/javamoose/87090121/

Screenshot via comments

January 25th, 2006, 22:28
Ah thermoplastic! The childhood memories of burning plastic and charred fingers come flooding back! :D