View Full Version : Neep help unpacking ps2 ridge racer ravolution .Dat files.

January 25th, 2006, 20:04
I've ripped the game PS2 R Racing Evolution, or R Evolution as it is shown in the cover. I have four .dat files that don't seem to be standard video .dat files but compressed video, audio, and probably other system files.

The in-game video is stored in a .afs that i extracted to multiple .adx files which then I renamed to .pss which converted to .m2v or mpeg 2 with no sound unfortunately.

The only video I haven't found has been the intro video.

The soundtrack might be stored inside the BGM_NPS.dat file.
The pit crew soundtrack is propably stored inside RADIONPS.dat file.
The .dat files are :
1. RGCUSA.dat
2. ENV_NPS.dat

I cannot guess what is contained within these files but I'm guessing the whole game is contained within the files.

Can anyone help me, or at least point me in the right location as to where I can get tools to unpack the .dat files?

I tried to search for a PS2 forum to post this on but DCEMU forums do not include a PS2 forum.

I've also used PSS plex to demultiplex .pss video files stored under the adx format withing an .afs library file but all I get is the .m2v portion of the mp2 file.

I'm more interested in the .wav of the file. How can I go about getting the wave portion.

January 26th, 2006, 07:05
No discussion of how to Rip games. Consider this locked.