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View Full Version : When you got your Dreamcast...

Blue Protoman
December 25th, 2008, 03:01
When you got your Dreamcast, did you get it new or used? And if it was used, what did it come with?

Mine comes with:
-The DC with all hookups
-26 games :D
-a microphone controller
-a steering wheel controller
-3 ordinary controllers
-a VMU (thinking I'm gonna need another)

December 25th, 2008, 13:36
I got mine new and as I recall it came with

Power lead
1 controller
A telephone connection cable
Chu Chu Rocket
Instruction booklet

I had to buy a VMU separately and I also bought MSR and Soul Calibre at the same time as they were the reasons why I bought a DC.

December 25th, 2008, 15:35
My very first Dreamcast I got 7 years ago today. New in box. Along with it came Soul Reaver, Sega GT, and Grandia 2 (there were at least two others that I just don't recall); a VMU, and third party rumble. I remember showing off how you would feel the engine idle when racing, and the vmu mini game.

Turned out though that it would only read half the games, so after trying to exchange the games, I had to return it. By the time I did Best Buy was no longer selling them (like a week later) and so I ended up buying one used for the same price at a GameStop. Odd thing is that it took 3 weeks for one to surface. I was calling up GameStops all around every few days checking but nothing. Finally a Sega Sports DC showed up in one that I hadn't called before in Hialeah (spanish ghetto/not really but shitty place about 40 minute trip cause it's all through city). That one came with the controller and leads only.

Odd story: the telephone connection cable was the best bit about the DC's packins. At least here it came with a ridicuously long cable, and they ended up selling them at GameStop seperately... for 99c. I don't know if any of you have ever bought a 20+ft telephone cable, but they usually cost around 15-20$.

Blue Protoman
December 25th, 2008, 16:22
I think my cable is 25 ft. long. Can't be arsed to check right now.