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View Full Version : Iris / BspViewer Update

January 25th, 2006, 22:15
PSmonkey has posted some news about his awesome Iris project for the PSP, for those who dont know heres a screen:


Heres what he posted:

<blockquote>Hey guys, I though it would be a good time to give you all a status update. It has become increasingly apperent to me that the code base is getting messy and I still have yet to properly plug things into the correct location or made it easy to expland on parts (like say suport for multiple model file formats, ex md2/md3/md4/hl). So I have desided now is probably the best time to port & rewrite the project to CPP. This way it will be cleaner and easier to work on. I also plan to start making parts open source for others to include into their project.

So the plan is to now stop where I am at and rewrite everything into cpp. Once the rewrite is done, I think everything is acceptable enough to push the long over due BspViewer 0.3 out the door. After that I plan to polish up more game mechanics for the iris 0.2 release.

Oh also sometime tonight or today. I will post up a video of the current build to BspViewer/Iris engine so you can see it in action. It's quite nice with improved box collission, jumping, & sliding suport (now you can go up & down stairs or slopes in the enviroment).

So that is about it for now. I promiss I wont disapoint for the next wave of releases regarding both projects.</blockquote>

Help PSmonkey out, if your into wad making then you could be part of a team that brings out a 3D Game for the PSP that rivals Commercial PSP Games.

Check out the official site (hosted by DCEmu ;)) here --> http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk/

Lets Help PSmonkey release a killer game for our PSP Homebrew Scene.

Remember Teamwork and feedback mean so much ;)

January 25th, 2006, 23:09
like say suport for multiple model file formats, ex md2/md3/md4/hl

This is what I have been waiting for :D .... good job and you are making good progress on this. cant wait till the next release.

Keep up the good work!!!

Thanks for everything,

January 26th, 2006, 05:39
Just thought I'd let you know... Half-Life uses BSP files for its maps. In fact, from that screenshot, that picture and textures look alot like something from de_aztec from counter-strike. I wonder if someone will be able to port the Half-Life engine to PSP one day?

January 26th, 2006, 05:54
I looked up the system requirements for half-life opposing force...

Minimum System Requirements

* A copy of Half-Life
* Intel PentiumŪ 133
* Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME
* 200Mb HD Space
* 24Mb RAM
* 2x CD ROM Drive
* Windows-compatible Soundcard

I think memory is the only issue besides it having to use the windows operating system... The processor on the PSP is more than twice the minimum, as the recommended speed is 166mhz... I would know because I played half-life on my old computer that was under 200mhz, and at a decent speed!

Edit: I forgot half-life requires a registry though... but I wonder what happens when you use linux + Xfree86 + half-life?

January 26th, 2006, 08:52
The system requirements are not the problem. To port a game you need source code. And there is no halflife source code. So no chance.

January 26th, 2006, 10:20
Why does every sniff of an fps engine turn into a discussion on HL or CS porting?


January 26th, 2006, 18:46
This is going to be a great game. A really good open source FPS engine for PSP could inspire a huge mod community.

This half life stuff is getting on my nerves.

January 26th, 2006, 20:51
Just thought I'd let you know... Half-Life uses BSP files for its maps. In fact, from that screenshot, that picture and textures look alot like something from de_aztec from counter-strike. I wonder if someone will be able to port the Half-Life engine to PSP one day?

You're not telling me anything new. :)

Half-Life is based on a modified quake 1 engine (yet do note that it's modifications of the engine are quite extreem).

One can not make a direct port of Half-Life like Quake 1/2 because the game is not open source. One could in a sense remake half-life or allow for half-life maps & characters to be used in his own 3d engine. I at the moment am not sure about this. I prefer to keep the Iris Engine optimsied around the quake 3 file formats (quake 3 > HL Engine). I am in conderation of suport half life mdl models in future builds for people making mods (like the guy doing the halo mod) because of it's benifits like bones & skinning. I will in no way turn iris into Half Life. If someone invest the time into doing such using my engine, well more power to them.

January 27th, 2006, 01:32
this may sound strange but i never liked half life, played it and hated it, Iris should be great for the scene in time.

January 27th, 2006, 03:43
Why does every sniff of an fps engine turn into a discussion on HL or CS porting?


I have to agree with MGFox,

everywhere i look on a fourm about any type of shooter coming out....it turns into a HL or CS port discussion..

heres my opinion...

if you want it bad enough, you will strive to make it yourself... its not bad to ask questions, but ask questions about the game the author has made!!! not about " you know, Half-Life would be so much better than this " or my favorite " The posibilities of having counter-strike on this would be cool, wanna disuss about it for the next 50 posts? "

If you want to have HL or CS, look at tutorials on the web on how to build maps and models and download and buy programs that you need to make what you want. if you cant do that, then your just tooo lazy, and dont strive enough to have what you want.

Not trying to be mean....just truthful :D

Thanks for Everything,

January 27th, 2006, 13:32
Iris is looking great. I was playing it the other day and I was very impressed with it. I'm looking forward to see more of this project. Keep up the good work guys.