View Full Version : Minna de Jibun no Setsumeisho: B-Kata, A-Kata, AB-Kata, O-Kata

December 30th, 2008, 14:45
Newly released today:


Have you ever felt lost or have an identity crisis? If so, this DS game is your key to salvation.

It is believed that a person's blood type dictates how a person act or how they think. Input your blood type and answer the self probing questions in the game and gain some insight into your own personality.

The book Jibun no Setsumeisho: B-Kata has become a million seller when it came out. Following the footsteps of his successes, the writer, Jamais Jamais completed the series with all the blood types. With this game, you can own all the books and more.

Produced under the supervision of the writer himself, the game contains a total of 800 questions which will assist you in finding yourself, besides these helpful probings, the author included other texts and and pictures to make your journey to self discovery as enjoyable as possible.
