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View Full Version : PSPFlash-Card v0.5

December 30th, 2008, 22:16
Ever have trouble remembering definitions, dates or foriegn words for your next test? Well, that is where PSPFlash-Card comes in.

http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2147508737&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1230675090 http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2147508736&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1230675080

I know, I know, you're saying: but I'm still on break from school. But really, try it and I'm sure you'll like it. By just making up the cards, and practicing them for 5 minutes at a time, leading up to a test, several users have reported getting A's on tests. So it really works.

I have updated the flash card drilling application, adding:
Version 0.5
- Fixed sound cutoff when pages turn.
- Fixed word wrapping bug for the last word on a card.
Version 0.4
- audio cards (terms or definitions)
- image cards (terms or definitions)
- mutliple *card*.txt files to better organize your quizes
- fixed batch mode to work more reliably
- new background by Mike McMullen
- new icon, pic1 by LNAtropic
- now custom firmware friendly (3.xx and later)

Screenshots and download in comments.

December 31st, 2008, 00:40
Nice stuff HardHat. Can't wait till next week when I will finally have time to work on stuff again, Wolf 3D being the #1 priority.

Keep it up!

December 31st, 2008, 00:42
That'd be good to see for sure Zack.

Safari Al
December 31st, 2008, 04:18
Nice release, I especially like you're reasoning used after the images ;) . Guaranteed A? Just joking of course, good release.

December 31st, 2008, 06:50
All I know is that I made the last release in February 2007, and people still asked me about updates to this project. Maybe I'll put in some more feature requests before 2011 :P