View Full Version : Question of the Day: Where Do You Buy Gadgets Online?

December 30th, 2008, 23:57
Amazon and Newegg are where 90 percent of my online dollars go, since they're among that small cabal of sites you'd trust with your children. Where do you buy most of your stuff online?

I'm wondering because I've literally spent thousands of dollars at Newegg because I hold them in much higher regard than say, TigerDirect, and never, ever had a problem until I tried out their new EggSaver shipping option. Not only did the tracking number never work at all—a customer service rep I called asking where the hell my package is explained they're having issues with their EggSaver tracking system, since it's apparently outsourced through the USPS—after two weeks, I called for the second time, and they told me they lost it. Replacement and refund are both 10-15 business day processes (unacceptable, since I wanted this for CES). A couple friends I've talked to also said that EggSaver was terrible. So, if you go NewEgg (who rocks 99.9 percent of the time), go with Fedex or UPS shipping.

Implied sub-question: Where do you go if the obvious choices, like Amazon and Newegg, fail you?


December 31st, 2008, 00:10
ive been buying stuff from tiger direct for years now, and have not had 1 issue

ive bought from newegg 3 times, and all three times they screwed it up, i dont like arguing with a phone operator mutiple times over 1 case

and geeks.com, screw them, the one time i bought something from them it didnt ship for a week, and when i got it i received a cpu with almost all the pins bent on it (with a geeks q/a sticker over the package) a dead motherboard and a case that had been smashed (altho the box was in perfect shape so no ups blame there)

took 4 phone calls to get them to ra it, nearly 2 weeks for them to "test" it, and another week for the damn thing to ship back to me

December 31st, 2008, 01:40
Amazon and Play.com are easily my favourites, But twice i ordered from play trade and the items didn't turn up! Play refunded me both times but the second seller just kept ignoring play.com's emails and got away with a lot of other peoples money as well. I also use Dealextreme.com because it's just so cheap and customer service is suprisingly good

December 31st, 2008, 01:45
Anywhere thats cheapest to be honest.

December 31st, 2008, 02:01
The cheapest place I know for pro duo cards, plus delivery is free for every item.

SVP.co.uk for blank discs and random computer parts.
They have detailed information about the discs (dye type, etc) and they take paypal, which is convenient

Amazon for everything else.

Special mention goes to gumtree and their freebie section. You'd be surprised what people will give away for free...

ebay is a shadow of its former self, you hardly ever find any real bargains there now

December 31st, 2008, 02:13
buy.com and Amazon for specific components and games, eBay for bulk orders and rarities.

December 31st, 2008, 02:37
Amazon, Newegg, ZipZoomFly and Dell for hardware.

December 31st, 2008, 04:51
I buy stuff from Newegg and eBay.

Just got a new computer from Newegg and put it together today. It's beast!

December 31st, 2008, 07:07
Amazon, cause a friend of mine has an acount and I do not own a credit card

December 31st, 2008, 09:53
I work at best buy, so I can find just about everything there. However I also use dealextreme, newegg, and ebay when it is necessary. DX is a really great place if you have spare change to burn on little trinkets and toys.

December 31st, 2008, 18:06
i use a prepay credit card called 3v to buy stuff off of dealextreme.com, play.com, everyonedoesit.co.uk and many others.

December 31st, 2008, 22:36

January 1st, 2009, 00:39
newegg (awesome) and dealextreme (slow but cheap)