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View Full Version : It has been a while since sony releasd a new fw

January 26th, 2006, 20:01
Ok not that i would like to have 1 but i think that sony is up to something big
(hard to hack) i mean we had it hard (fanjita and edison carter) hacking the 2.01,2.50,2.60 firmware what do u guys think about this will sony make the ultimate firmware if so what will it include

i am thinking alot of what sony's new firmware will be

again sorry for my english im doing my best :D

January 26th, 2006, 20:03
btw i know it says location UK i moved from belgium to uk ;)

January 26th, 2006, 20:27
My money is on including more/advanced media options into the PSPs firmware. It just seems to be the general way that Sony are heading and they know that they have an advantage over Nintendo in that area.

January 27th, 2006, 03:29
yeah 3.00 is on the way it will have built-in windows media player and quicktime to play streaming video and music and will have a ps3 linking capability that enables you to access it from anywhere and supports every audio format ever and supports mpg, avi, and mov files and has built-in internet radio and tv and a built-in pop e-mail client and has a wireless nintendo ds shut-downer and has absolutely no way of being cracked

hypothetically of course

but i wouldn't mind the nintendo ds shut down thing...i could see the little kids crying because their ds "broke" before they saved the game

what happens when the psp's flash chip does not have enough capacity to hold a new update? or what if they add a secret update feature that causes your psp to brick if it detects that you downgraded before?