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View Full Version : Moonshell 2.00 beta 1 released

December 31st, 2008, 23:49
Moonlight (http://mdxonline.dyndns.org/2008/12/moonshell-version200-beta1.shtml) has returned to the DS Scene with a new release of his Multimedia Player/Shell for the Nintendo DS which is probably one of the most famous apps for the DS ever, heres the crappy translation of whats new:

http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmdxonline.dyndns.org%2F20 08%2F12%2Fmoonshell-version200-beta1.shtml&sl=ja&tl=en&hl=en&ie=UTF-8

Download Here (http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/200812312200_moonshell200beta1.7z) and Give Feedback Via Comments

January 1st, 2009, 00:28

Thanks for coming back and releasing one of the best homebrew applications ever created, if it wasnt for your work i dont think many people would know anything about putting movies on there NDS.


January 1st, 2009, 02:24

January 1st, 2009, 02:26
can someone re translate so that it makes sense?

ds benjmin
January 1st, 2009, 03:14
I got it to work,but when I selected the language it only says language error on everything.

January 1st, 2009, 04:01
omg finally but im gonna wait for a stable version not a beta

January 1st, 2009, 06:15
Looks amazing but it is unfortunate that it is not in English. It works well I really like it!:thumbup:

January 1st, 2009, 06:28
Wow, holy crap he's back. Pretty cool to see a new version of Moonshell, Infantile Paralysiser (just love typing that) was down forever.

January 1st, 2009, 09:14
I did a quick translation, which should be a little easier to follow. Not sure about his use of the word 'homebrew' - I guess he means Moonshell itself, not other homebrew apps.

It sounds like he is all set for making some big changes to Moonshell this year. That's if he can maintain his new found enthusiasm...


It's 2009 and so time to get serious again.
Well, I wonder if things move on without me. I've been worried as I've been away so long (LOL).

I'm all out of energy so I've put in a skin that fits for now.
There are a number of confirmation files that have been left in.
There's a bit of trouble getting homebrew to start up as universal DLDI patching hasn't been implemented (overwriting dldibody.bin makes it usable).
I'm planning to make a complete overhaul so I haven't put a lot of thought into this test build.
Skin design specifications, language files, and system configuration files should only be taken as a guide for now.


Version 2.00 beta.1 2008/12/31 Version 2.00 beta.1 2008/12/31

There is plenty of free memory so the 4kbyte restriction on Io_dldi.s has been removed.
It's possible to specify a default code page for the text reader.
You can choose between text, clock, or a blank screen for the top screen of the text reader.
Line spacing can be changed from the text reader.
A number of functions in connection with the battery recharger have been added (haven't decided what to assign these to yet).
Added L/R combination clicks (single click, long hold, etc) (refer to readme_keymap.txt).
I reviewed the start up process and slightly reduced the time it takes.
Memory is reset when starting up homebrew.
Removed 'slide action', laid the groundwork for a sub menu to appear following a long press (not made yet).
Allowed files to be opened even when the cursor and touch position don't match.

Bug Fixes
-Damage to the card when performing the disk read-write check at start up.
-Use of about 100kbyte of needless memory when the disk cache memory is mistakenly deployed.
-Cutting playback of DPG files before reaching the end and sometimes stopping the CPU.
-Being unable to correctly carry out automatic homebrew DLDI patching.
-Memory access violation when the character codes are automatically converted in the text reader.
-YUV->RGB conversion algorithm error when decoding DPG files.
-Stopping playback of MP3 files when opening and closing the lid.
-Damage to the preferences file when saving changes to preferences settings.
-File list numbering mistake when in image display mode.
-System menu background changing to setup screen.

January 1st, 2009, 15:47
Yokodake, thanks for the translation.

When he mentions "homebrew" he's referring to launching homebrew from Moonshell, just as you can do from DSOrganize.

January 1st, 2009, 17:17
cant understand!! need translator!!!

January 1st, 2009, 17:18
Dude, when this is actually 'ready' it will be awesomeness.

January 2nd, 2009, 21:56
Im giving this a whirl! I cant wait to see how more stable this is and the DPG playback is too :-D

Moonshell now at the big 2 and 0

Update: Ok im using a CycloDS with both a 16 gig, with a 64k cluster size, and an 8 gig, with a 32k cluster size, and the only real problem im having is when i try to use the check disk, morning timer stuff, it locks up and towards the bottem of the top screen its reads out that its trying to use deeviceID=TTIO and the device name=TTcard IO library. If that means anything to anyone

January 4th, 2009, 13:39
Moonshell2 Beta2 released (http://www.ds-xtra.com/MoonShell2_Beta2). Still seems to have the problem with it not changing language to English etc.

January 4th, 2009, 14:19
I wonder what file handles the language text. I'd go in and google translate it all XD... oh and I'm also having the language translation error too