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View Full Version : What Are You Playing This Weekend?

January 2nd, 2009, 23:22
Oh look! The weekend! Again! After having a restful New Year's Day, playing Left 4 Dead and Rez HD, it's time to take two additional days off. So, what's left to play this weekend?

My newly acquired copy of Final Fantasy III DS perhaps? Maybe some Gears of War 2? Maybe I'll even give that copy of Golden Axe: Beast Rider a spin beyond the first two hours. Maybe I'll just flog myself for a few hours or do something more exciting like sort receipts for tax purposes!

What about yourself? What's the plan for ringing in the new year, game-wise?


January 3rd, 2009, 01:09
I guess I'm going to be playing Gears of War 2 with my Little brother.

January 3rd, 2009, 06:38
Probably Fallout 3. Still have no idea how to do much in the game (ie: anything outside of swinging my bat, or shooting things), but eventually I will get the hang of it. Totally awesome though.
Also Final Fantasy IX on my PSP. Damn, I forgot 80% of this great game since I played it when it came out. It has aged pretty damn well!

January 3rd, 2009, 07:15
Ug! too much to play

dokapon kingdom - wii
djmax: black square - psp
Fantasy golf pangya portable - psp
persona 4 -ps2
Dynasty warriors 6 360
Resident Evil 5 demo - 360
phantasy star zero - ds
unreal tournament 3 - pc

January 3rd, 2009, 07:53
Starcraft today with three of my friends, as always I was the first one to loose, I have to practice so I can beat them up (It will be pretty dificult cause I use Zergs, long live the swarm :))

Dissidia FF, mastering Tidus skills, yeah I main Tidus, and yeah FFX is my favorite FF game as it was the only one I could finish.

got my hands on a copy of carmageddon for the PSX, and I'm playing it on PSP

maybe I'll try the RE5 demo

January 3rd, 2009, 11:27
Lost all my Tiger Woods 09 online skill points whilst playing drunk on new years eve, dropped from 300 in the world to nothing ! New years resolution - get 'em all back, so it looks like TW09 for the next few weeks (lesson learned BTW)

January 3rd, 2009, 12:20
Rollcage stage 2
Ultimate Ghosts 'N Goblins
Thief: Deadly Shadows
Resistance: Fall of Man

January 3rd, 2009, 14:55
101 in 1 games - DS

Sorry lol but i just have to open all 101 games up and complete em or else!


January 5th, 2009, 19:18
Here's a late comer and I was playing more Little Big Planet, along with working on my level in it.