View Full Version : Port of Piggy Tracker in the works?

January 8th, 2009, 02:36
David Adams has emailed us saying:

The 8-bit music community is currently collection donatations to get the dev of LGPT/piggy tracker (http://www.littlegptracker.com) an excellent music tracker originally for GP32 and GP2X and more recently Linux/Windows/Mac, to port piggy tracker to PSP. Its a sample tracker using an interface similar to LSDJ, you can hear a few examples of what it is capable of here (http://www.hexawe.net).

This is a link to the fundable donation page,

and here is the forum post which got the idea rolling,

January 8th, 2009, 17:07
I'm really looking forward to this becoming a reality. Rhythm is good but I wanna get old skool on the PSP!


January 9th, 2009, 16:30
This is huge! Finally a REAL tracker on PSP. I've been begging the milkytracker devs to port for a while but no luck.

This will be fantastic. Please donate! (I'm going to when I have some cash)