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View Full Version : WiFi Chat v0.18a

January 28th, 2006, 11:58
News from Bafio:

This is just a prerelease version of what will be a complete DS chat program. Currently you can draw messages on the screen and send them to the computer. The server could already support multiple users so there will be a next version with real chat functionality. also the keyboard will be enabled.

Using wifi connection settings from the firmware, if you set them properly it should be able to use them (set static IP, gateway, no wep...).

The IP address of the server still has to come from the config file, but now the new FAT driver should support more cards :) Run thw wifi transfer app 1st to configure!

Some improvements here and there, better protocol, fast transfers (try R button and hold it pressed :)

L goes back the loader on GBAMP

Webcam feature (I think X or Y): try to set a webcam image server like dorgem on port 8080 of the server first :) and hold X

[older stuff]

This is just a prerelease version of what will be a complete DS chat program :).

There is no network configuration still, I'm working on getting the settings from the firmware. You have to run first the transfer program wich creates the appropriate config file.

Currently you can draw messages on the screen and send them to the
computer. The server could already support multiple users so there will be a next version with real chat functionality. also the keyboard will be enabled.

If you run the transfer server as well, try clicking the L button and see what happens :) (I was starting too to work on a vnc like app, but that could be webcam support for the chat!) If you press start it will try to download test.nds and execute it (testing...)

*java server*

On the server side, you should FIRST run the java server

IF you run Java 1.4 and for some reason can't update to version 1.5, you can try using transferServerJ14.jar that is backported to java 1.4 (not tested but should work).

You can edit server.bat and include your favorite options.

java -jar chatServer.jar [-port portNumber] [-delay sendDelay]

*nds file*

On the DS side, you start the nds file with your preferred method. On GBAMP, i suggest fine from Sata (very fast) of Migty Max loader.

Visit the site here --> http://bafio.drunkencoders.com/