View Full Version : DCASTAWAY - Win 32

January 9th, 2009, 20:27

I'm new here - and maybe this isn't the correct place to ask - but I've stumbled across the windows version of DCASTAWAY - and it seems great!

I've spotted a few bugs though. Just wondering if there is still interest/development on this project or if something happened to Chui & Ron??? (As the last post here is quite old/no updates to the news on http://chui.dcemu.co.uk/index.html for quite a while?)


January 10th, 2009, 15:59
Ron's blog: http://rondreamcast.blogspot.com/search/label/Dreamcast

fox68k and Chui are still working on Gens4all afaik.

- Try over at www.dreamcast.es - Ron, Chui and fox68k are active there I think.