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View Full Version : My Quake 3 PSP FAKE Screenshots

January 28th, 2006, 22:18
This is for yall who want Q3 But can't have it. Yet!.

January 28th, 2006, 22:26
wow! awesome work. how many hours did u spend on it?

January 28th, 2006, 22:38
Sooo...Whats the point of this thread then?


January 28th, 2006, 22:38
Look its just for fun. Its not real in any way. Only took about 2minutes to do. But the concept is there. With all the texture quality down and model detail low it possibly can be made playable on the PSP. Maybe with a bit of luck it could look pretty good.

January 28th, 2006, 22:43
no real reason really for this thread. Got bored. Cough!"Mythbusters quote"Cough!. But on the serious side Quake 2 for the PSP is going places. MY CONGRATS TO teamEmergencyExit.

January 28th, 2006, 23:36
......................... "no comment" ...........................

Thanks for Everything,

January 29th, 2006, 00:37
Man that would look sweet ass on my psp if it was working!

January 29th, 2006, 01:00
well they made MD3 support for Q2... and I know a fella who can pop in Q3BSP support in an hour... I'm thinking I could get some one to make a Q3 nockoff once McZonk release source.

Only problem with official Q3 maps... jpg/tga's so they dont return well...

not to mention the crazy brush count... for a PSP that's fine if proper clipping occured but... otherwise... OMG! NOOOOOO!!!!

January 29th, 2006, 16:41
Wow man it actually started as a thread where only dreams are. So what you're saying is when McZonk releases the psp quake 2 source code it could be possible to get quake 3 going. Sweet. As a psp programming Noob( I'm not proud) im not sure i could be able to start from scratch on PSPQ3:Arena.

February 23rd, 2006, 22:12
quake 3 is possibel on psp!!

the xbox port works with about 70fps is low settings, so psp can reach 24 i think.

February 27th, 2006, 20:00
is will be too cool to play quanke 3 on psp :D

March 1st, 2006, 22:49
actually it runs on the xbox well because it does not need to emulate the x86 cpu. on the psp you have a mips r4000 (i think) cpu so when trying to emulate an x86 on that kind of low end cpu would cause bog city to appear.

March 3rd, 2006, 21:43
Emu the x86 cpu? Lol. I think the only way your ever going to play Q3 on your psp is if someone rewrites the engine as was done with Q2. Consider Q2 performance, and the higher poly count present in Q3, and you might realize that this is a tall order at best. If we can get a well optimized Q2, I'll be happy.


March 10th, 2006, 11:23
Ive Got A Psp Quake 3 Map Viewer On Psp Running So Game Must Be Playable

March 10th, 2006, 11:26
Ive Got Q3 Working On My Psp

March 10th, 2006, 13:49
Ive Got A Psp Quake 3 Map Viewer On Psp Running So Game Must Be Playable

Ive Got Q3 Working On My Psp

March 10th, 2006, 15:26
Ive Got Q3 Working On My Psp
then give it to the people!

March 22nd, 2006, 12:46
I'm playing Q3CE Port on PocketPC Dell x50v (With OpenGL-ES Intel 2700g HW Accelerator) and it is awesome! It runs in 640x480x16Bit with full graphics features and detail, except textures, whith are reduced double (by packonvert script, also converting sounds to MP3 & redicing PAK size from 450 to 120Mb!) - it's the same is r_picmip 1. Framerate is low, but playable - 10-16FPS, and with killed graphics (r_picmip 4; 2D HUD; No sky; simple Items; Less LOD) - runs ~30 FPS! Also Wi-Fi multiplayer works!!!
There is also ARM CPU, and 64Mb RAM. MayBe 32 Mb RAM in PSP woldn't be enough, because Q3 eats at least 40 Mb! :( But the PSP Hardware is about 3X Faster in graphics then X50v's and rezolution on PSP screen is 2x smaller, so I think this port is possible with full graphics (only with 2x reduced textures) and good FPS (about 30-60) with Wi-Fi multiplayer!
Is anyone going to port Q3 on PSP? The other Idea is to run Quake 3 maps on Iris PSP Game (It supports Q3.BSP!), but i didn't test it.

March 22nd, 2006, 15:38
that might seem possible, seeing as how the pocketpc is slower than the psp.

March 22nd, 2006, 20:38
More about PPC port here: http://www.noctemware.com/q3ce.html
On the photos at the site you can find Q3 running on Dell X50v - the same as my PDA (and the Only Pocket today with 3D Accelerator!) Awesome, isn't it?
P.S. The fake Screens here can't be true, because there is antialiasing, whitch PSP doesn't support! :( But other Q3 feathers seem possible on PSP! Say, how did you set such r_mode (480x272) for these screens? I wanna test it myself! :)

March 22nd, 2006, 20:59
what i would like to know is where is the tool for decreasing the size of q3.

March 23rd, 2006, 08:55
what i would like to know is where is the tool for decreasing the size of q3.
It's included in this archive: http://www.noctemware.com/download_files/q3ce-1.1b-release-aximx50v-ppc2003.zip
But converted PAK0 didn't work with win32 Q3.exe, when I tried! :(

March 23rd, 2006, 16:26
ill post a modded .sh file so it will work with windows.
-edit good news. i was able to get the file size from 504 mb to 183 mb.
now the bad news. quake3 does not allow for smaller texture sizes.
here is the .sh file just move this one ever the old one.

March 23rd, 2006, 17:18
ill see if i can get this working on other q3 games, like rtcw.
the reason im doing this is that now you can fit q3 on a small thumb drive. if you decompress the pak0 file and use uharc to compress all of q3 i can garuntee you it will be under 130 mb.

March 24th, 2006, 00:11
I don't have Quake 3, but how does that work? Does UHARC compress in PAK archives or are you compressing the files, then needing to re-PAK them after or what?

March 24th, 2006, 00:19
pk3 files are zip files, unzip in the baseq3 folder, then compress your entire q3a dir with uharc. uharc has far bettter compression than anything out there, i hear its third to what nasa usses.

March 24th, 2006, 02:49
wtf does nasa need to use computer compression for they porably have like 200 terabytes kickin around

March 24th, 2006, 05:31
so they can send data to their stalites rovers and ships much faster.

March 24th, 2006, 07:49
I can't help but to think about making a tool to automize the whole unzip and compress with UHARC. But, I won't.

March 24th, 2006, 09:47
The main problem is that the PSP only has 32 MB of RAM, not all of which is available for use, and Quake 3 wants more.

March 27th, 2006, 07:26
I can't help but to think about making a tool to automize the whole unzip and compress with UHARC. But, I won't.
q3 can't read uha files. mainly because no one usses uha, accept for a few people who still use good 'ole dos.

April 7th, 2006, 19:42
The main problem is that the PSP only has 32 MB of RAM, not all of which is available for use, and Quake 3 wants more.
Of course, it's the main problem. Also, VRam in PSP is low too:( But, old version of the PocketPC port with 2X decreased textures, requered at least, only 32MB to work!:
com_zoneMegs "12"
com_hunkMegs "20"

Also it needs additional 2Mb of s_megs for playing sound :(
Hm... I know only 5 ways, how to get Quake 3 on PSP, and all of them are not reliable:
-Send tonns of "spam-like" mails to Sony, asking to make commercial Quake 3 Revolution PSP-port from PS2 :)
-Do the same with John Carmack's e-mail :) It might be the port of Q3:Arena...
-Do this with noctemware (PocketPC port developers) mail - with request to make one mobile-port more :)
-Use Iris for loading Q3 Maps & Models, or make the full port on Iris Engine. It would be possible, when the next version of Iris and Q3BSP-PSP is released, but we can't make anything serious for current 0.1 Beta.
-Try to make the port ourself. Needs good C++ programming skills, so, PSP Coders Need!

April 8th, 2006, 02:27
be cool if you could though

April 8th, 2006, 04:53
Of course, it's the main problem. Also, VRam in PSP is low too:( But, old version of the PocketPC port with 2X decreased textures, requered at least, only 32MB to work!:
com_zoneMegs "12"
com_hunkMegs "20"

Also it needs additional 2Mb of s_megs for playing sound :(
Hm... I know only 5 ways, how to get Quake 3 on PSP, and all of them are not reliable:
-Send tonns of "spam-like" mails to Sony, asking to make commercial Quake 3 Revolution PSP-port from PS2 :)
-Do the same with John Carmack's e-mail :) It might be the port of Q3:Arena...
-Do this with noctemware (PocketPC port developers) mail - with request to make one mobile-port more :)
-Use Iris for loading Q3 Maps & Models, or make the full port on Iris Engine. It would be possible, when the next version of Iris and Q3BSP-PSP is released, but we can't make anything serious for current 0.1 Beta.
-Try to make the port ourself. Needs good C++ programming skills, so, PSP Coders Need!

or we could reduce the textures by 3X, leaving more mem free. you could prolly also reduce the model polycount (dont know how) to free up way more ram.

April 8th, 2006, 09:07
Without any major hacking, Quake 3 runs out of memory way before loading any textures, so talking about reducing the size of them is pointless, for now.

id's way of coding is to have numerous large global variables. Last time I looked, Q3 had over 20MBs of them, which is unfortunately the total amount of free RAM available for use on the PSP.

There's no point saying "Oh, but the PSP has 32MB, and so does system X and there's a port on it!" because only 24MB is available to games, the rest is for the kernel, and some of the 24 is used by the executable. Unfortunately, Quake 3's global variables use up the rest.

Like I said before, without major work, Q3 is a no go on PSP. Just look at the trouble McZonk has had getting Q2 to "work". How much more RAM do you think Quake 3 requires?


April 8th, 2006, 12:15
If noone knows, an attempt to port quake 3 has aleady been taken by McZonk, and was abandoned because of said problems. He then decided to port Quake 2.

April 8th, 2006, 19:48
Yes, I guess.
@PeterM - one more question for you, as a coder - can you expect, may such port be possible, if the engine would be rewritten fully, for PSP Architecture and renderer - for PSP-GU?
I'll repeat my old question - how to set 480x272 resolution in Q3A? Very special r_mode! =)

April 8th, 2006, 20:35
It would certainly be possible for someone to write a game which was in every visible way identical to Quake 3, but had lower system requirements, but it would be a lot of work.

It would also be possible to bash away at the Q3 code until it ran in much less RAM, but that's also a lot of work, although probably less work than the first option. The official dreamcast version perhaps went this route. And isn't there a PS1 version?

I'm not sure how Quake's graphics modes work, but it would probably support any resolution you want. Isn't r_mode just an index into a list of modes? So if the list only contained 480x272, then r_mode 0 would be that mode.


April 11th, 2006, 15:51
After a little research, as near as I can tell Q3 was only available on DC, PS2 and PC. Anything other than that and it would have been a port. As for the DC version, model poly count was taken WAY down, lighting effects were basically disabled (from what I could tell of still screenshots, couldn't find any movies) and texture quality was reduced (not by a whole lot though). From what I could see, it ran from a single disc, the specs of the dreamcast are somwhat high though (processor wise) the RAM (I know I know, apples to oranges) is still lower than the PSP, with a total of 24MB. Combine that with the fact that it's running a "custome version of Windows CE" and I'd give between 20 and 22MB available for games. Again, I know it's apples to oranges, but it may be a good place to start. With some of the newer compression tools out there I'd say it's totally possible. However, it may be more work than anyone is willing to give. Not being a programmer myself, I wouldn't even want to guess at how much work is involved, all I do is compare the hardware to eachother, and if the DC could run it with a solid 30 (couldn't find an answer anywhere on this), I'd guess the PSP could push it at a nice 20 with a decent port. Would need to be running kernal level stuff though, so ver 1.0 and 1.5 only. But who knows, by the time it gets done (I'm thinking 3 years with a team of 15) we'll have full cracks of 2.00, 2.5 and 2.6 (should be on 10.34 by then). Ah well, useless speculation at best, but still a fun dream.

P.S. Found the DC specs here: