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View Full Version : Trampalien Gunmen: someone needed to finish the programming

November 22nd, 2004, 10:15
Szczepaniak posted this request:[br][br] Since Troy Davis left the project months ago (understandable due to juggling a job, family and bigger projects), and since I have taken a leave of absence from university (I hated it, and needed to change my course AWAY from Japanese), I am now footloose and fancy free for the next few months..... [br][br]Meaning, I need someone to help me finish Trampalien Gunmen. The programming side of it. [br][br]I went and completed all the graphics and design, as well as half a dozen new characters and even programmed a simplified version of the mini games, but none of it was ever implemented. I even went and recorded a whole set of voices for the game too. [br][br]Which means, I am basically sitting on a fully completed design brief for a full game, with 80% of all the content files complete. [br]I only need to add the following: [br]* Level music [br]* Final boss sprites [br]* One or two finer points to embelish it [br][br]I am never going to break into the games industry, and frankly don't want to anymore, it has become bloated and insular, where offbeat ideas are ignored and 2D gaming is dead. (some of you may have read my letters in the British mag "GamesTM") Plus there are situations like this: [br]http://www.livejournal.com/users/ea_spouse/ [br][br]Meaning before I grow old and die, I want to have this vision of mine completed and birthed, in the homebrew scene, where we have no deadlines or money burdens, where the programmers and designers live free on the range.... Where visions can be completed without hinderence. [br][br]I doubt it would take too long, since the gameplay is basic, the trickiest things would be the AI, and setting up the variable abilities of various characters. Stuff like the mini games ideas, I have already programmed for the PC, so its easy to see what needs to be done: [br]http://www.storm-studios.net/GPF/TrampMini.zip [br][br]So, who wants to help me finish off this nearly completed project and be my coder? Im guessing I need a fairly talented individual. [br][br]For those not up to speed on the legendary Trampoline Gunmen, a page can be found here: [br]http://www.storm-studios.net/GPF/tramp.htm [br][br]I envision it basically almost Street Fighter esque in design. Choose a charatcer and win the tournament against the others, complete mini game challenges, play practice modes, or set up massive 8 player tournaments. [br]The 4 player simaltaneous mode can be left out, as well as any other more tricky elements, but Id like to get more completed than what it is already. [br][br]Nothing else needs to be done except coding, and some graphical/sound things by me. I can also write up some more detailed files on how the AI for each player should work. [br]I can send you all the current audio and graphic files, as well as in depth design files and mock screen shots. I went into a lot of detail on how the game should feel and run, meaning theres plenty to work with. [br][br]Sadly though, I cannot offer any payment. But Id guess the DC scene would welcome another completed and totally original designed game to add to its ever growing roster. [br][br]So, anyone interested?