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View Full Version : Getting VMI File To VMU From My Computer

January 29th, 2006, 20:05
I saw DarkSaviour posted something like that in that one persons "2 quick questions" thread. HOW CAN I DO THIS? I have a VMI file on my PC. So what prog would I use to put that on a disc that would copy it to my VMU when ran on my DC?

February 1st, 2006, 14:15
The .VMI file is just a header file used for downloading via Dreamcast only. The actual game file is a .VMS file (.VMI file alone is useless).

Get your hands on the VMU Backup CD (http://www.bucanero.com.ar/descargas.php?id_categoria_descarga=1) from bucanero, which includes a lot of VMU games.

February 2nd, 2006, 00:05
Would this allow me to transfer the VMS file to my VMU?

February 2nd, 2006, 12:27