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View Full Version : Ballmer Eats Words About iPhone

January 13th, 2009, 17:58
Microsoft chief executive, Steve Ballmer, who once laughed off the iPhone has now changed his tune about Apple's smart phone and about the future of the Zune.

Ballmer admitted to the Financial Times that the iPhone and the Blackberry have "clear market momentum."

This is kind of funny because if you take a look back at Ballmer's comments in the past you'll remember that:

- At the MacWorld 2007 Expo Ballmer smeared the iPhone saying that it's the "most expensive phone in the world" and that Microsoft sells "millions and millions and millions of phones a year" while "Apple sells zero."

-Ballmer also said, "I'd prefer to have our software in 60 percent or 70 percent or 80 percent of [mobile phones], than I would to have 2 percent or 3 percent, which is what Apple might get."

- Just this past year Ballmer even predicted that Apple's tight integration of everything would cause the iPhone to "lose

Microsoft chief executive, Steve Ballmer, who once laughed off the iPhone has now changed his tune about Apple's smart phone and about the future of the Zune.

Ballmer admitted to the Financial Times that the iPhone and the Blackberry have "clear market momentum."

This is kind of funny because if you take a look back at Ballmer's comments in the past you'll remember that:

- At the MacWorld 2007 Expo Ballmer smeared the iPhone saying that it's the "most expensive phone in the world" and that Microsoft sells "millions and millions and millions of phones a year" while "Apple sells zero."

-Ballmer also said, "I'd prefer to have our software in 60 percent or 70 percent or 80 percent of [mobile phones], than I would to have 2 percent or 3 percent, which is what Apple might get."

- Just this past year Ballmer even predicted that Apple's tight integration of everything would cause the iPhone to "lose

January 14th, 2009, 01:03
I actually wanted to read that twice.
