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View Full Version : Nanodesktop Blind Assistant CFW0005 (POC Video)

January 13th, 2009, 21:00
As you know, I'm working on the next Nanodesktop 0.3.6 SDK and on
the next version of Blind Assistant software.

Nanodesktop is a SDK (Software Development Kit) that makes easier
the creation of applications for embedded devices as the PSP.

In the next 0.3.6 version, it'll be included the support for voice
recognition and for the receiving of mails from the POP3 servers.

In the meantime, we're working on the next, incredibile, core CFW005
of the Blind Assistant software.

In this version, the blind will be able to control the unit using his voice.

The new version of the program shall integrate a new engine for the
face recognition, a vocal client email and a color scanner.

Sir: this is the most complex homebrew ever created before

In this video, you can see the new Blind Assistant core in action:



Please, wait for my further news....

January 14th, 2009, 22:47
Wow...that is freakin sweet.